Peshine Avenue University Prep

Kindergarten  Teachers
Mrs. T
Mrs. G
Ms. S
Ms. K
Peshine Avenue University Prep
Phone Number -
All Children will Learn.
School begins promptly at 8:25 a.m.  Your child can be dropped off at the front entrance and will be escorted to class by upper grade students.
Dismissal is at 2:55 p.m. from the front entrance.  It is important that you make arrangements to make sure someone is waiting to pick-up your child.  Often children get upset when they don't see someone who is picking them up and it gets chaotic when many children are waiting in the front of the school at the same time.
Your child's regular and prompt attendance at school is a must!  This is crucial to his/her success.  Please notify me with a note to let me know if your child will be absent.  If your child was absent because of an illness, and a doctors visit was made, please send a doctors excuse. 
Patterns for school attendance are set at an early age.
Monthly book orders will be sent off to allow parents to buy quality educationally appropriate books.  There is a wide price range for the books (.95+).  If you wish to order, fill out the form and send the correct amount of money or a check made out to the book company in an envelope.
I encourage parents to read to their children.  Expose your child to many different educational books to expand their imagination and creativity.
Reading is essential and fun!!
If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus, you must send a written note or call the school.  Do not rely on your child to tell me this information, because children may become confused and relay the message incorrectly.  If a note or message from the office is not received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.
There is a school uniform that your child is encouraged to wear.  It consists of a a white buttoned-down shirt (long or short sleeved), navy blue pants/shorts, (girls) dress, and sweater when it get colder.  Please put your child's name on the inside of the sweater with permanent marker to avoid confusing it with other classmates.
It is important that you review the following rules with your child. 
Raise your hand to speak or get out of your seat.
Keep the classroom clean.
Listen to the teacher & follow directions.
Be nice & respect your classmates.
The system for following/breaking the rules is as follows:
Green- HAPPY-  followed the rules correctly
Red -SAD - still could not follow rules - TIMEOUT
Yellow- WARNING - was not following rules
Each day your child's behavior will be recorded.  If your child ends the day on green, they get a star.  3 stars at the end of the week earns them a visit to the Treasure Chest to get a treat.
If it is necessary for your child to leave school early, please send a note in the morning so your child will be ready to be picked up.
PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD'S BACKPACK EACH DAY FOR NOTES! Homework will be sent home almost every day in a Homework folder.  Your child's homework is very important as it reviews the skills we learn in class.  It is essential that you sit with your child to explain the directions of the homework, but your child should complete the homework on their own.  If they do not understand it with your assistance, write a little note and we can go over it in class.  Please keep the folder clean by removing corrected papers regularly.
Kindergarten is an important step for your child to do their best.
Stress the importance of school to your child.
Throughout the school year, there will be a variety of special classroom activities, workshops and celebrations.  I encourage you to attend these functions when possible and support them by sending needed supplies or treats.  Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school.
In order to achieve maximum success, a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary.  Throughout the year, I will communicate through notes, telephone calls, letters, and conferences.  I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns.  You can write a note and put it in your child's folder or call me at the school (xxx-xxxx) and I will return your call.
There will be different parties throughout the year for holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays, etc.  If there is a holiday you do not celebrate, please let me know so I can make the necessary arrangements so that all children can be included.
Birthdays are a special occasion for children.  If you and your child would like, you may bring treats for the class to celebrate his/her birthday.  Please send a note a day or two in advance, so I can give you an exact number of students in the class and set aside some classtime for the party.
A SPECIAL THANKS to Mrs. Griffin and Ms. Vines' whose information helped to create a handbook for our kindergarten.