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God Gave Hands For Love

Rough hands toiling in grime and heat,
Thin hands white with strain,
Young hands taking a hopeful wheel,
Gnarled hands bending in pain~~

Asking our help to order His world,
God gave hands for love.

A mother brushing her daughter's hair,
A lover clasping one dear,
A father protecting a little child,
A brother waiting near~~

Asking our help to comfort His world,
God gave hands for love.

Brushing fair colors into new life,
Smoothing soft clay from a jar,
Teasing bright strings into silver song,
Tracing the path of a star~~

Asking our help to beauty His world,
God gave hands for love.

Hands stretched out to answer need,
Hands spread out for greeting,
Hands raised up to carry a load,
Hands reached out in meeting~~

Asking our help to comfort His friends,
God gave hands for love.

Contented hands holding a treasured book,
Peaceful hands folded in prayer,
Silent hands still and unconscious in sleep,
Quiet hands resting from care~~

Asking our help to cherish His gifts,
God gave hands for love.

Feeling the satin of roses and dew,
Touching the arm of a friend,
Receiving a gift from a trusting child,
Having a hand to lend~~

Asking our help to cherish His gifts,
God gave hands for love.

Hands giving time to a lonely heart,
Hands offering wine and bread,
Hands wrapping shoulders in warmer shawls,
Hands closing a crime, unread~~

Asking our help to care for His cares,
God gave hands for love.

Written By: Dorothy

A very Special Thank you Dorothy
For permission to use your
Beautiful Poem,God bless You.

From My Heart




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This page is for all of those
Special people in our lives
That are now with our Lord
For God gave them Hands of Love
That gave us so much in our lives.