Never lose an opportunity
Of seeing anything
that is beautiful;
For beauty is
God's handwriting...
Thank God for it.

Written by"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beatitudes for the Home

BLESSED are the husband and wife who continue to be affectionate and considerate, loving after the wedding bells have ceased ringing.

BLESSED are the husband and wife who are as polite and courteous to one another as they are to their friends.

BLESSED are they who have a sense of humor, for this attribute will be a handy shock absorber.

BLESSED are they who love their mates more
than any other person in the world and
who joyfully fulfill their marriage vows
of lifetime of fidelity and
mutual helpfulness to one another.

BLESSED are they who attain parenthood,
for children are a heritage of the Lord.

BLESSED are they who remember to
thank God for their food
before they partake of it,
and who set apart some time
each day for the
reading of the Bible and for prayer.

BLESSED are those mates who never speak
loudly to one another and
who make their home a place
where "seldom is heard a discouraging word".

BLESSED are the husband and wife
who faithfully attend the worship
service of the church and
who work together in the church
for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom.

BLESSED are the husband and wife
who can work out problems of adjustments
without interference from relatives.

BLESSED is the couple who has
a complete understanding about financial matters
and who has worked out a perfect partnership
with all money under the control of both.

BLESSED are the husband and wife
who humbly dedicate their lives
and their home to Christ and
who practice the teachings of Christ
in the home by being unselfish,
loyal, and loving.

~Author Unknown~

"It's not the house that makes the home,
it's the love that is inside."

"A successful marriage looks like a triangle:
A man, A woman and God."

A special thank you to Madeleine
For helping me find the special words.

ŠJames C. Behlen, Jr.

Secret Vow : by Yanni!