I would like to Thank, Mr.Knapp
Today January 2,2001
Did you ever think the Butterfly
For some of us life's just begun.
Sometimes happy, sometimes not,
But still you have to
Give it all you've got.
Life's long trail.
Sometimes we'd win and others fail.
The failures are what prod us on,
So keep on keepin' on.
Days past here on earth,
But praise the Lord,
There's a second birth.
You'll join the throng,
And relive the memories
From now on ~ and ~
~ on ~ and ~ on.~
Written by~~~Chet Knapp
For Sharing this with my Hubby and I,
and giving me permission
to use it on my web page.
I recieved a note from Chet today
His thought for the day
if you want your life to be fruitful
You don't have to be a sap,
just put on your thinking cap
Pray for help, to you know Who, and
You'll be surprised what you can do!
You will surely move ahead
So dont say die until your dead!
making my day a little brighter!
Chet has become a dear friend
I only hope when I am 89 years old
I have the love of life that you have Chet!
Goin' Home!
Thank you Larrie,