
" Behold The Lamb Of God "

John saw Jesus and said
Behold the Lamb of God
Which taketh away the
Sin of the World.

One or two did follow
But many did not dare
Some did seek Him out
Others did not care.

Behold the Lamb of God
He told them, they would
See the heavens open, and the
Angels of God ascending,
upon the Son of Man.

They laughed and mocked Him so.
Even when He turned the
Water into wine
Only 12 would follow Him
Others stayed behind.

He gave a drink of life
To the woman at the well
He offered her living water
For never more to thirst.
Behold The Lamb of God

Many times he told, others
He that believeth on the Son
Would have everlasting life
Why oh why did they not listen
As He told them of this life.

He fed a multitude of people
About five thousand,the Bible says,
With only five loaves of bread
And two small fishes
After giving thanks to God His Father.

He walked on water to save them
Yet with there eyes they still
Could not believe, so
Many walked away from Him
The miracles they could not see.

He is the Light of the world
He placed clay on a blind mans eyes
Then the blind man he could see
But many did not beleive it a miracle
They said only sinners work on
A Sabbath day

Behold the Lamb of God
Did raise Lazarus from the dead
Then voices from heaven came
Not for Jesus sake
But so others there would hear.

Jesus prayed for all believers
Thru out all the lands
Yet one he trusted deeply
Betrayed Him ,then they carried
Him away, to beat and crucify Him

They placed a crown of thorns
Upon His head and a heavy Cross
Upon His back, then they nailed
Him to the cross to die.
Behold the Lamb of God.

First day of the week
Two Angels did appear
And in the light above them
Stood Jesus who had risen
For our sins to wash away.

For He is the Son of God
He is our life everlasting
If only we beleive and
Ask Him into our hearts
Behold the lamb of God

Written by Jan..Spiritjsister
February 18,2001

For God So loved the World
That He gave His only begotten Son
That who so ever believeth in Him
Should not perish,but
Have everlasting life.


Please Sign My Guest Book


I praise God for the Miracles
in my life, and I have seen many.
I pray that each of you will
open you heart to Jesus
And open your eyes to miracles.
For miracles do happen even today.

God Bless, Jan..spiritjsister.

Jesus Calls Us!

Music: by Elton Smith,Larry Holden,
and Steve Israel