What is your hair color? Blonde Brown Red Black Can't tell, it's always under a hat!
Descibe yourself using one of these phrases: Always curious Hyper sometimes annoying Happy and romantic Beautiful and friendly Hard worker Normal Evil Kind and gentle Hope for freedom Perfect Bookworm Picky
What are you most likely to say? Teehee! I'm a clepto by the way. (steal things) Oh, these lessons are so boring! I love apples. I want to be part of their world... *sigh* How romantic... I know you, I've walked with you. We've met before. Things to consider: World domination or destruction? Muahahah... I've read this book 3 times and I STILL love it! I don't know where I came from... Work hard. No pain, no gain. I refuse to marry anyone you chose for me!
OMG! A heartless!!!!!!!! Heyyyaaaaaa! *throws things* Oh dear! Yaaaaaaaaaaah! *whack* BOW BEFORE ME INSOLENT CREATURES!!! *dazed and confused* I'll get my boyfriend to defend me! Smashem with my pumpkin (I swear no pun intended) I'll get my boyfriend to attack it, he looks like a monster after all. *Sicks all the animals in the forest at it.* *slap slap slap* *stab stab stab* What the? FIRE! Cure! *attacks with staff*
Where is your dream dwelling? At a temple In my dreamland Any other world but the one I'm in In the forest A small town/village (rural area) A Castle Somewhere with a hot climate I really don't know... THE DARK AND FIREY DEPTHS OF HELL!!!! On a tropical island My prince's Castle A town that is totally emersed in my ethnic culture
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