
Audio 101: The Basics Plus

Biblical scriptural teaching concerning sound, audio, and lighting.

This session is designed for those who want to learn more about the role of audio, 
including beginning-to-advanced audio engineers, system technicians and production 
mixers. We will discuss the essential building blocks of sound design: 
loudspeaker types and behavior, amplification and processing, wiring issues, 
microphone use, basic electricity, and the fundamentals of system alignment. 

You will learn:

1. How to establish goals for different sound system applications.

2. Proper console, speaker, microphone, console, and processing selection. 
3. An introduction to sound system alignment and production tools.

Can you Hear Me Now?: 

Tools & Techniques to Provide a Clear and Immersive Audio Experience

Understand the causes of speech intelligibility problems specific to the house of 
worship. How acoustic enhancement systems improve the sound. Hear about common 
architectural designs for houses of worship and their related acoustical challenges 
including reverberation and learn how to overcome these challenges. 
You will learn:

1. Solutions for speech intelligibility problems.

2. How acoustic enhancement can help support the sound system

Control the Volume:

High stage volumes are a serious problem and in-ear monitors are a solution. 
Learn how these tools can offer solutions for loud levels, feedback and consistent 
mixes, while improving the worship experience for the praise team and the congregation. 
This session will allow you to control monitor volumes and simplify your complex 
monitoring tasks. 

You will also learn:

1. The advantages and disadvantages of in-ear monitors.
2. Use and operation of monitors. 
3. How to handle a variety of output needs on a single console.

Wise Technology Decisions for Your Church:

You have made the decision to integrate technology into your worship services 
to enhance the experience, but how do you know which technologies to implement? 
There are new tech trends popping up every day, so how do you weed out the fads 
and make a wise investment?

Selection and Operation of Wireless Microphones:

Gain an understand of RF and wireless microphone systems and learn how to select 
the right system for your needs. Discussion will include microphone operation and 
setup procedures that optimize the effectiveness of their systems, frequency 
coordination, antenna placement and some basic troubleshooting techniques. 

1. How to select the right wireless microphone system for your needs
2. Wireless microphone operation and setup procedures to optimize the effectiveness 
   of your systems.

Intelligent System Design For Church’s:

Technical systems are often designed by professionals for professionals to use. 
Often they are not well thought out for the church volunteer who will actually 
operate them. This session will address system design for sound from a volunteer's 
perspective. We will discuss control locations, equipment selection, intuitive 
operation, operation by the technically challenged, training for volunteers, 
and ease of setup and teardown. 
You will learn:
1. How to make operations simple for volunteer help. 
2. Types of systems that encourage volunteers to come back. 
3. What training is needed.

Building and Embracing Your Tech Budget

A challenge to technology implementation is always in the cost. Technology doesn't 
come cheap and you do "get what you pay for." However, there are ways to make the 
most of your budget. Learn how to determine what you should spend to achieve your 
tech goals and what to do if you are working within the confines of a limited budget.

Selecting, Training and Managing Your Tech Volunteers

One of the keys to your audio-visual success lies in the selection, training and 
management of your tech volunteers. Hear from an experienced audio director as to 
how he tackled the difficult task of building a team, training the volunteers, 
and ensuring that the team operated cohesively moving forward.
