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Do people love like we do?
Do they hold each other dear?
When one hurts does the other
Wipe away a tear?

When one feels down and lonely
Does the other feel it too?
Do other people feel the same
The way that I love you.

I feel our love is special
I know you think so too.
I hope you'll always know dear.
Just how much I love you.
You know how much I love you
God, I really hope you do.
How much I need you by myside
To help me face things that are new.

I need to know you'll be there
No matter what I do or say
To know you'll always stand by me
And help me in your special way.

To know your love surrounds me
To know the love that's in your heart
You know I'll always love you
And I know we'll never part.
How am I going to tell him,
My unsuspecting one.
That now there is another
Who's love I cannot shun

Although I'm so much older,
I shun each busy tongue,
That dwells on my attatchment
for anyone so young.

Perhaps I'm being silly
And yet I can't deny.
A triangle with a differance
Is here, and glad am I

Before you start condemning
My conduct as perplex
May I say the other fellow
Is my wee grandson. My Lex
I see you walk up to get your deploma
I want to stand up and scream "WAIT"
He's not ready yet......
I'm not through teaching him
You maybe but I'm not........not yet.

He's not ready to go out there...not yet...
not alone in this bog old world.
He's not ready ........not yet.

Who's going to be there when he falls
Who'll pick him up and say it's ok
He's not ready......not yet.

Who's going to tell him right from wrong
He's not ready .........
"WAIT"....don't take it yet...
I"M NOT READY!!!!!! at least........not yet.
The years have gone to quickly
They've flashed before my eyes.
It seems it was but yesterday
You made those old mud pies.

It doesn't seem like I should be
this old, and I've gone grey.
It doesn't seem like you've grown up
and soon be on your way.

I'll miss you when you go my son.
Soon you'll be off, in your own way
I'll miss you when you've gone my son.
How I long for yesterday.

But yesterday's no more it seems,
The years have flown by fast.
I can't turn back the pages son
I can't live in the past.

I wish you luck. I wish you love,
I wish you all the best.
I hope you will be happy son
'Cause then my heart will rest.