


Last Updated: February 24, 2005-

# Happy Birthday, Shinya!! Shin-chan turns 27 today (wakai!). I have updated a few pages; I have posted a few more birthdays, added 2 new Nami Tamaki avatars, and updated the Playlists. I may decide to change the songs soon, so go download the ones I have while they are still up! I'll also post translations to some lyrics, so look for those in the Music/Lyrics section. ALSO! Dir en Grey is going to release a new album "Withering to Death" on March 9! Look forward to that :) I'll update a few more pages later as well as the discovery.

Currently listening to "TELL ME" by hide

February 12, 2005-

- The new layout is finally finished! *pats self on back* I decided to feature Diru because I felt like it, I had pictures, and when I tried to do a Nami Tamaki layout I was all out of ideas. So I bring you Dir en Grey, one of Japan's greatest and most popular visual JRock bands. I was able to upload some mp3s to my other geocities account so they won't expire in 7 days as they did on yousendit :) Also, I wasn't able to upload all the images in the Pictures section; only the Kyo pics are up (or most of them), so don't be confused with all the thumbnails there and no pictures to link to. Just go explore the site for yourselves so I don't have to explain everything right here. I've been working on this layout for a few months actually, so I do hope you guys like this one. I've been working very hard on it, trying to get as much content on here as possible, so could you do me a small favor and sign the guestbook? I love to hear from you guys and read all your wonderful comments (well, I haven't gotten a mean comment yet, and I hope not to get any!) 

Currently listening to: "Magenta Magenta" by SOUL'd OUt

January 26, 2005-

- Still working on the layout, almost done!

January 16, 2005-

#Wow, I haven't updated since last year! *laughs* ^__^;; Gomen, I've been too busy/lazy/didn't feel like updating/didn't feel I had anything to update on/forgot I had something to add to the site, lol. I'm trying to work on uploading files somewhere instead of on yousendit because those only last for about a week or until it has been downloaded 25 times approximately, and I know I won't update them that often! I'm sending the Malice Mizer "ILUMINATI" PV to myself from my computer to my little sisters' computer since my internet still won't work properly on my computer: once I get it completely uploaded, I may be able to have it up for download on here as well! I'm also thinking about a new layout, but I'm not sure if I really want to change it; I'll post a poll for you guys to vote in for a new layout and artist, or if you want to keep the same layout. Remember: I'm going to put up another hide layout in May to honor his death 7 years ago. So keep that in mind. Also, Happy Birthday Lida-san of Psycho le C�mu!! Also, Yamato of ORANGE RANGE and Yuujin of Yuzu's birthdays were also on Friday january 14, so make sure you mark that in your calendars for next year and wish them a be-lated "tanjobi omedetou" ;) I'll probably update again later now that I'm back *yay!* so keep checking back!! 

December 13, 2004-

# Happy Birthday, hide-sama! To honor hide-sama's birthday, I printed out a pic of him and placed it in a 4x6 frame and lit some candles around it in my room while playing X-Japan and hide songs. I'll post pics of this later. I also burned some incense, and my little sister offered him a piece of chocolate from her advent calendar :) So what did you guys do for hide's birthday? If you had any plans or did something for him, email me and tell me what you did and I'll post it in hide's Bio page. Tanjobi omedetou, hide-sama! Visit my Xanga (http://www.xanga.com/yugidogz) and you'll see some more stuff on hide there, and my previous posts contain TONS of JRock pics, so go enjoy yourself there :P Ja ne, minna-san. Tanjobi omedetou, hide-sama!!

December 12, 2004-
# New layout (finally) up! Have fun, and don't forget to say "Happy Birthday", or "tanjobi omedetou!" to hide-san tomorrow! (please see the "Biography" page and scroll to the bottom of the page where it says "what I want you to do" or something like that") Have fun, minna-san!

December 7, 2004-

# I deleted the last update (November 29, 2004) because it wasn't really needed and revealed the featured artist too soon. . .haha So if you haven't guessed yet, the featured artist is hide! I hope you guys enjoy this layout. . .I know a lot of pages aren't up yet, but I really needed to get this layout up! I've been working very hard on it for a long time (I don't think I've ever worked harder on any other layout before!) so please don't be too hard on me ;) The mp3's will be added later (a new set), and also I am currently not accepting any requests! If I take all these requests, and I have a great chance of not getting them up on time, then everyone's gonna be upset and I want to stay away from that. . .you can still ask for help with finding certain mp3s or PVs, but don't expect me to answer right away to help because I do have a lot of stuff going on away from the internet. But don't let that scare you away! Just keep sending in those emails and let me know that people are visiting and I may try a bit harder to update more often :)

November 16, 2004-

# *Displays annoyed expression* I just finished writing up this update and it got messed up (not going into detail)...anyways...*sigh* I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while minna-san *deep bow* The internet in my room, er- actually my computer hasn't been working right lately. It won't let me access internet explorer even if I have a working internet connection. I've been working very hard, however, on a new layout! I'm not going to tell you guys who the next featured artist is though XD It's going to be a surprise, so look forward to that :) It's going to be up before December (IT IS!! I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE IT DOES!! XD If I don't get it up before then, I promise you guys I'm gonna kill myself ^__^;; jk jk! oh- by the way, I'm at the city library (not telling which one! Too much info XD) anyways...rotations will be back when the new layout is up. I'm SO sorry about that! If you go to my xanga, if you look carefully, you may find some links to mp3's or mv's I uploaded :D I promise you won't be bored there either -as long as you are a true die-hard JRock fan*girl* XD- I have TONS of JRock pics all over my xanga! hehe well, that's all for now. Again I'm sorry about not updating. I'm still alive!! Don't loose hope in this site ^__^;; Even if I don't update in a while, I'll still be around, so just email me! I check my email more often than I update this site ^__^;; Arigato for signing my guestbook! Minna-san, please sign it, I love to hear from you guys and know people actually visit. Arigato!

Currently listening to "Boyfriend -part II" by Crystal Kay

October 30, 2004-

# Someone has requested for "GO!!!" by FLOW and Gackt's Live "Vanilla" video. I've added "GO!!!" to the list, but I still have to add the "Vanilla" video because it's on my other computer and my internet isn't working on that computer at the moment ^__^;; So enjoy "GO!!!" by FLOW while I work on getting Vanilla up.

October 29, 2004-

# Sorry, I accidentally saved over my home page with an index page ^__^;; So the past updates are lost. So, I'm updating all the pages that aren't showing up for some reason, and possibly add some more quizzes (oh, so fun!) and perhaps an mp3 or two, or a PV :) That's all for now.

Since August 10, 2004




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