Photo Albums
07 Roast Beef Dinner
Quilting Ministries - See our quilts in China!
Senior High Souper Bowl, 2008
Zion's Kitchen Construction - February to April, 2008
Zion Visits the University of Rochester Protestant Christian Community
Sunday Worship: 9:30 - 10:30 am
Sunday Christian Education:
10:45 - 11:30am
Pastor: Todd R. Goddard,
585 678.1893. E-mail.
Lay Leader: Sharon Boyd,
315 524.9047 home, E-mail.
"This Week At Zion!" (A regularly irregular publication of indeterminant length, updated numerous times each week,wholely created by the Rev. Todd R. Goddard, pastor of Zion West Walworth United Methodist Church, emailed weekly to members and friends of Zion.)
Zion's 24 Hour Prayer Line:
(315) 986-0154.
The Zion West Walworth United Methodist Church is located at 3960 West Walworth Road in the Town of Walworth, New York. The church building is located about one half mile north of the intersection of the West Walworth Road and State Route 441. We are an eastern suburb of Rochester, New York.
Driving Directions
© 2003 - 2009, the Zion West Walworth United Methodist Church
Genesee Valley District
Western New York Conference
The United Methodist Church |