1. Most important rule: I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REJECT YOU!!! This is my site, and you can't make me post your story if I don't want it. So don't get all whiney and complainy and all that if I turn you down. I don't mean any offense, but if your story stinks, it stinks! GET OVER IT!!!

2. Please please please try to be at least semi-literate. I won't mind the occasional typo or grammar error, but if your whole story consists of really bad grammar and horrid spelling, then I will not accept it. (I will correct any small errors myself though, ^_^)

3. I'll accept any genre, but please nothing too graphic. I want this site to be family friendly, okay?

4. Originality is always appreciated. If I've already seen your type of story a million times before, I'll probably reject.

5. Don't plagiarise! If there is anything I can't stand is people taking stuff right out of other pieces of work (without giving credit). I might not know you've copied, but others probably will, and so will you, and the guilt will consume your soul!!! Plus it's not very nice, so just don't do it.

6. Please tell me immediately if you see any plagiarised material. It will be anonymous, and greatly appreciated. (fanfics are an execption to that, though)

7. Type "rulesRcool" at the begining of your e-mail so I know you read the rules.

--If you think these rules are too hard to abide by, then don't send me anything! Thank you!--

~~General Info~~

Send your stories here: TEEDOE6@YAHOO.COM and put "Story: -title name-" in the subject bar. I will read them and send back a reply stating wether or not I accepted your work, and why. If you want a certain background/font color/style then tell me so at the end of the e-mail.
(Tip: If you don't already know this, highlight the whole story document and use "Ctrl + C" to copy and "Ctrl + V" to paste your story into the e-mail window thing.)
Oh, and don't forget you put either your name, penname, or screenname somewhere so I can give you proper credit for the story. If you wish to remain anonymous, that is acceptable as well ^_^. If you want your e-mail address to be displayed, let me know. Also, tell me what genre your story is ( fiction, non-fiction, romance fiction, fanfic etc...) Did I get everything? If you have questions feel free to ask!! Thank you so much everyone! ENJOY!!! ::gives candy to all who join::
