destruction of power is not the schematic process we usually entrust to
great explosions of violence, or to
attacks against the structures of repression. The destruction of the constituted
order also passes through the slow and optimistic evaluation of the forces
available for attack. It does not take much to accomplish an individual
act, often an act of desperation, only reflection and analysis can render
that act comprehensible and transform the desperation of the exploited
into organized revolutionary force."---Alfredo M. Bonanno
Hot Tide Discussion
Killing King Abacus will be a yearly publication. Some of us have therefore decided to periodically publish a short discussion bulletin, Hot Tide, more frequently. Leave comments here:
Comments on KKA, Hot Tide, Willful Disobedience, or anarchy in general can be left at this ezboards site: pub47.ezboard.com/banarchykka
...or email comments to kk_abacus [at] yahoo.com and we will post any interesting comments and our responses.
*******The new address for Killing King Abacus and Hot Tide is: KKA Publications, PO BOX 993, SANTA CRUZ CA 95061*********
These articles are reprinted below in order to promote a deeper understanding of how capitalism operates as a global system. We especially wish to gather well researched articles with details about particular geographic situations, not just abstract theorizing. If we our to make our resistance as transnational as capital and build links between those who attack capitalism throughout the world, we need to analyse how capitalism effects people of different regions, differently. A peasant from Karnataka, a factory worker in China or Yugoslavia and a restaurant worker in the US all hold different positions within the capitalist system and, thus, react to different aspects of that system. For some time the anti-authoritarian/anti-capitalist milieu has paid too little attention to the contemporary, worldwide history of capitalism and the struggles to overcome it. We hope a deeper analysis will encourage a greater communicability of struggles and in turn raise the tide of insurrection. Of course, not all of these articles have the same perspective; although we will only reprint articles which are anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist, we welcome submissions which should be emailed to kk_abacus [at] yahoo.com. We also welcome comments or criticism of the articles on this page, interesting comments will be posted.
"We were scared...like any newly born baby opening our eyes to a gigantic glow--we got very frightened...every knock, every word became a menace...but simultaneously we realized that our panic was minute compared to the panic of the Mirrors and the Habershons AND IT FLASHED: WE WERE INVINCIBLE...BECAUSE WE WERE EVERYBODY. THEY COULD NOT JAIL US FOR WE DID NOT EXIST. We started daring out into the open, talking to friends, to neighbors, to people in pubs, in football games...and we knew we were not alone...WE WERE ALIVE AND GROWING!
---from Communique 7, The Angry Brigade, March 18, 1971.
Practical History
Interesting reflections on j18
Do or Die: from Britain
The Free West Papua Movement
Midnight Notes
People's Global Action
Global Action Journal from the US
Reclaim the Streets UK