God’s presence in our lives is suffocating.
Removing all of our actions to a future fulfillment by accomplishing them in
the realm of phantoms, it deprives the world in which we live of meaning, and
therefore destroys life by modeling it on its own, which is to say, on the life
of phantoms.
Why did human beings need to invent god? Because the uncertainty
of the future rendered her vulnerable, thus he deludes himself that an
“absolute certainty”, located beyond, in a place free from uncertainty, could
make her strong. But the remedy has been revealed as the most harmful of
But god doesn’t only suffocate us as an idea, a projection of
the need for security that the human being continually notices in her life. He
also suffocates us through the particular caste that claims to represent him.
The organization that uses god to govern the world is called the church. In
reality it is not, as the etymology would suggest, the assembly of all, but
only the mafia gang of a handful of lunatics who want to infect the world with
their fear.
In this sense, God and the church are like two epidemics that
have spread themselves throughout the world and of which we haven’t managed to
rid ourselves. They have killed, continue to kill and will kill millions of
people, and always in the name of life, justice, peace and many other similar
concepts that only serve to hide their intentions of domination and death.