Volume 4, number 1, Winter 2003
Eastern England (October 23, 2002)— Prisoners rioted
at Lincoln Prison, 135 miles northeast of London, smashing windows and
setting fires before being subdued by hundreds of police and prison guards.
Lancaster, CA (November 5, 2002)—Inmates at the state prison
attacked two guards - the second such incident in the past three months.
Correctional officers Nicole Hawthorne and Henry Romo were attacked by two
cellmates early in the day while escorting prisoners to breakfast, a prison
spokesman said.
Red Bluff, CA (November 19, 2002)—A cop was shot and killed
while putting gas in his car. Andrew McCrea, 23, claimed the shooting, saying
he did it in protest of growing police state tactics and “corporate
irresponsibility”. He was arrested in New Hampshire.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (December 4, 2002)—Two bombs were
found in outlets of the IKEA home goods chain, and two police explosives
experts were wounded when one of the devices detonated as they tried to disarm
it. All ten stores in the Netherlands belonging to the Swedish-based company
were closed while police searched for more explosives.
Genoa, Italy (December 9, 2002)—In the middle of the night
(after the garden was closed), two bombs exploded in the public garden next to
the police station in Genoa. The first was weak and the second much stronger. There
were no injuries. On December 10, a group calling itself "Brigade XX
July" claimed responsibility for the attack. July 20 is the day Carlo
Giuliani was murdered.
Athens, Greece (December 14, 2002)— A car mechanic shot at
Athens Mayor-elect Dora Bakoyianni in the back seat of her car at the foot of
the Acropolis yesterday afternoon, but the conservative MP was saved from
serious injury by an unconscious move to rummage through her handbag.
Athens, Greece (January 11, 2003)—A gunman made off with 17,000
euros yesterday after robbing a bank in the Athenian district of Halandri. The
unidentified robber fled on a motorcycle which, police later confirmed, had
been stolen from the same area last week.
Northern Italy (January 17, 2003)—Sixty ATMs in dozens of
locations throughout northern Italy were vandalized. Messages claiming the
attacks appeared sometimes at the sites of the attacks, sometimes in anonymous
messages to the Digos (special political police). The flyers claiming the
attacks spoke of the repressive nature of prisons, solidarity with the people
arrested in relation to the Genoa G8 demonstrations and various other matters.
The actions are attributed to individuals of “the extreme area of the
anarchist archipelago, that of the insurrectionalists”.
Oakland, CA (January 19, 2003)—Celebrations by fans of the
Oakland Raiders turned into riots when police tried to quiet the partying.
People attacked cops with stones and bottles, broke windows and attacked
vehicles, including several cop cars.
Indianapolis, Indiana (January 23, 2003)—Offices of the
Coast Guard and Army Recruitment were trashed. The walls were spray-painted
with "Fuck Your War" and about ten large office windows were broken.
Two government vehicles were spray-painted and the windows broken.
El Paso, Texas (January 29, 2003)—A protest by about one
thousand high school students over the length of classes turned into a riot.
The students walked out in protest in the morning. They attacked school
security guards and cops with rocks and bottles. The police used tear gas
against the crowd.
* There is a technology device currently in widespread use that can
also help police in tracking someone down. I am speaking of the cellular phone.
Although it apparently cannot lead the police directly to on individual, with
the right technology they can discover someone’s general vicinity. This
helped cops make an arrest in St. Louis last November.