(c) Lady-Ivy 2003

The actors
Kenan Rockmore: Kenan Thompson
Kel Kimble: Kel Mitchell
Chris Potter: Dan Frischman
Kyra Rockmore: Vanessa Baden
Roger Rockmore: Ken Foree
Sheryl Rockmore: Teal Marchande
Sharla Morrison (1998 - 1999): Alexis Fields
Marc Cram (1998 - 1999): Biagio Messina

The Show
Kenan & Kel was a spin off to another Nickelodeon succes called 'All That',
starring Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, Amanda Bynes ('The Amanda Show')
and Nick Cannon ('The Nick Cannon Show'). Kenan & Kel first aired in
August 1996 and ended in July 2000 with a movie called 'Tho Heads Are Better
Than One'. The show mostly starts with Kenan and Kel in big trouble and mostly
stay there till the end of the show. Kenan Rockmore is a highschool fella who
believes he can get anything he wants, as long as he has his best friend Kel
with him and a good home-made plan. Oh yes!
Kel Kimble is his orangesoda-loving friend. We don't know much about his
family, because he always hangs out at Kenan's place. But we know one thing...
He luuuuuves orange soda! He does, he does, he DOES!