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We can't feel saddened over the loss of those we love
without first remembering the joy of loving them.
The real sadness would have been

never having had them in our lives at all.
Remembering is a journey the heart takes,

back into a time that was
and our thoughts are the only tickets needed to ride.
We who have truly loved are blessed.

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I am so glad that you have been a part of my life.
It has been a privilege to know you, to share myself with you,
and to walk together on the paths
that took us in many beautiful directions.
I had heard of "Soul Mates" before,
But I never knew such a person could exist
For me until I met you.

Somehow, out of all the twists and turns our life could have taken,
And out of all the chances we might have missed, it almost seems like
We were given a meant-to-be moment …to meet, to get to know
One another, and to set the stage for a special togetherness.
Whenever I was with you, I knew that I was in the presence of someone
Who made my life more complete than I ever dreamed it could be.
I turned to you for trust, and you gave it openly. I looked to you
for inspiration, for answers, and for encouragement, and … not only did
you never let me down, … you lifted my spirits up and took my thoughts
to places where my troubles seemed so much farther away and my joys
felt like they were going to stay in my life forever.

I know that you will stay with me forever.
I feel like you’re my soul mate.
And I want you to know that my world is still reassured by you,
 my tomorrows need to have you near,
so many of my smiles depend on you,
And my heart is thankful that you are here with me forever.

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For George

It’s easy to fall in love.

Lots of people do it …

But what made our

relationship special

Was that you made it easy

To stay in love

By being supportive,

Kind, and considerate.

You knew that it takes work

For two people to live in harmony,

And you did more than

Your share …

I feel that our marriage

Was built on a strong foundation,

in large part,

because of the man you were

The man I loved

And always will.


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World's Greatest Dad

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Shared moments so precious..
so cherished...
Quiet times when words
are not even needed...
Dreams spoken, hopes combined...
Love given with full trust
and complete faith.

You Are Always On My Mind

I find that you are on my mind more often
Than any other thought.
Sometimes I bring you there purposely…
To console me or to warm me
Or just to make my day a little brighter…
So often you surprise me, though,
And find your own way into my thoughts.
There are times when I awaken and realize
what a tender part of my dreams you have been.
And on into the day, whenever a peaceful moment
Seems to come my way
And my imagination is free to run,
It takes me running into your arms
And allows me to linger there….
Knowing there’s nothing I’d rather do.
I know that my thoughts are only
Reflecting the loving of my heart…
Because whenever they wander,
They always take me to you.

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We Meet each other as Strangers,
Know each other as Friends,
Then we get to heaven,
Where Friendship never ends.

James Van Praagh

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Its funny how someone can come in
and out of your life so quickly,
Yet leave footprints and memories
in your heart forever.

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You Will Always Be My
Best Friend

Some time ago I received a special gift,
And it came in the form of you,
My best friend.
You are so important to me,
And I want to thank you
For all the wonderful memories…
Whenever I think of you, I am reminded
Of all the good times we had.
Together we did so much,
Saw so much, and felt so much.
With a knowing smile,
I look back at the shared times
And all the things only you and I know.
You not only put a smile on my face;
You put a smile in my heart.
You will always be my best friend.

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When I come to the end of the road
and the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little - but not too long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that once we shared
Miss me but let me go.

For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone
It's all a part of the Master Plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds
Miss me but let me go.


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copyright October 2002