my blog

Weather israin
and I feel funny

07/25/05 Saturday

It is hot! Too hot for comfort! Has been for several days now and hopefully we will be getting some relief Wednesday! I've been basically stuck in the house as I can't do much in the heat, my asthma really kicks in and is so hard to breathe with such humidity in the air!

posted by Kricket at 3:20 pm

05/28/05 Saturday

Well, Thursday I found one of my dogs dead ;( He was 15 years old though and must have been his time to go. The day before he was acting fine though! I think he had a heart attack. My other dog, Buster is peeing blood! Took him to the vet yesterday and they couldn't get a sample of urine, so we just bought some antibiotics and hopefully that will clear it up! I am sad.
Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 12:41 pm

05/26/05 Thursday

It's been 3 months since I've written here! Man, I am terrible at this sometimes! Well, not much to tell really. My life is not that interesting really? lol Same ole, same ole for the most part. I watched the season finale of 24 Monday night, then Tuesday night watched American Idol and the season finale of House, Wednesday night I watched the season finale of Lost and flipped back and forth to American Idol. I really didn't care who won, but I voted for Carrie, have been voting for her all along! I think Bo did a great job too! And I know he will have lots of CD's out too! I was dissapointed in Lost, cause we really didn't lean all that much, I was hoping it would clear up some things, but it sure didn't. I love 24! and can't wait till the next one starts! January! oh man! how far off is that? lol All is going well on the home front. Cept I have a cat that is killing my birds outside, not sure how to handle that. But, for the most part things are going pretty well!
Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 5:17 pm

02/15/05 Tuesday

Well, not a lot to report! haha Things are going pretty good here. It is a beautiful day and I hope it continues this way, but we have rain in the forecast and possibly snow for the weekend! The flowers are starting to poke out of the ground! I hope they don't get frostbite and die! Allan is doing great and continuing to lose weight! Awesome! I , on the other hand am struggling with weight loss.

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 5:17 pm

01/28/05 FRIDAY

Well, we got our new windows and doors put in Wednesday! I love them, they make the back room look soooo much better! We have to paint and do some other things to the room, but the windows and doors are a beginning! Allan is done with his rehabilitation, well, he quit it! lol, said he didn't think it was that important and he had learned all he needed ot know. Not much going on! Guess that's good though!

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 1:27 a.m.

01/05/05 WEDNESDAY

Rain rain go away, come again some other day! lol We are being pounded by rain! And our ground is just saturated and we are under a flood warning! We had 2 feet of snow a few weeks ago and then it all melted rather quickly and now the rain just keeps coming, the ground can't take all the wet! Allan is still going for his rehabilitaion and he is losing weight! Isn't that great! Wish I Course men always lose faster they say.
Happy New Year everyone!

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 11:10 pm

12/28/04 TUESDAY

Well, we had a great Christmas! We did get 22 inches of snow though in 2 days! WOW! They said that had not happened in over 30 years! And we had blizzard like conditions! It was fun walking out in 2 feet of snow to care for my dogs and cats! lol oh my! Allan is starting his heart rehabilitation. He is doing real good! AMEN!

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 11:10 pm

12/20/04 MONDAY

The cats are still a bit sick and more are getting sick! UGH! It's so cold! I feel so bad for them. But doing all I can.
We went to the church's Christmas play last night. Allan was in it and he did a real good job, didn't forget any of his lines! The little children were so cute too! I love to watch them. It was a real good night.
Still have shopping to do! haha, supposed to go tomorrow and I hope I can get it all done! I'm such a last minute shopper!

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 3:02 pm

12/15/04 WEDNESDAY

Still cold! lol, probably have that to look forward to for a while now. Had to take 2 of my cats to the vet yesterday, they had a nasty virus! Got shots and some tablets to take and some ointment for their eyes. In the end it cost 62 bucks! Poor lil guys, they looked so pitiful too! I hope they get better. He said they would, and to keep an eye on the others too. I still have Christmas shopping to do! And I'd better get a move on! Only 10 days before Christmas!!

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 4:26 pm

12/14/04 TUESDAY

Yes, over a month and I'm posting! We had a scare a couple weeks ago. Allan was having some pain in his chest, so we went to the hospital to get a stress test done. He didn't do very good and they kept him. The next day they did a catherization on him and had to put in the balloon thingie and give him two stents! He had a major blockage. It was 90% block! But he is doing so much better now! Says he feels better than he has for a long time! Amen! It's getting colder too! BBBRRRRRR

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 2:08 am

11/11/04 THURSDAY

Well, I've done it again! Joined too many groups and have overextended myself! I truly love being involved and praying for everyone, but I just have a hard time keeping up! I'm getting about 700 emails a day now and these are not spam. I have had to quit a couple groups and may have to quit more! It's just so hard to keep up. My main group is getting pretty chatty too! lol, but I do love it! I love all the fellowship! Hubby left for Texas today to visit with his son for 5 days! I've got the house to myself! woo hoo! haha, party time! lol, just kidding. It's kinda lonely without him around! So, trying to keep myself busy. Cleaned out the fridge and did some fall cleaning. I am probably going to rearrange some furniture before he gets back also. It is supposed to rain today. And as usual the weather has been nuts! I keep turning on the furnace and then turning on the air! lol, nuts I tell ya!

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 4:29 am

10/28/04 THURSDAY

Not much going on around here! The weather has been icky, rainy and gloomy! But it is supposed to be up to 82 tomorrow! I can't believe it! How odd is that! Went for a treck in my 5 acre woods today! LOL, boy was I a huffin and puffin! roflmbo I am so out of shape it's pitiful! We visited my mom tonight and played a couple games of Rummy. We had the pastor and his wife over about a week ago and we had dinner and played cards then too. It was a good time.

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 12:03am

10/18/04 MONDAY

Today was my mom's birthday! I visited her and we went to get our flu shots! We had to stand in line for 2 hours! Wow, I didn't think we were going to get in, but Praise the Lord, we did! It also has been raining practically all day long! We did get rained on a bit while waiting for our flu shots! Not too bad though.

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 1:37am

10/16/04 SATURDAY

It has been a long time since I've posted here in this blog! I've been busy! As you know, we moved in June and I just love my new home! Finall managed to get everything It is beginning to get chilly around here, so we have had to turn on the furnance! It's gas and I hope that our bill isn't too high! I've heard horror stories about gas bills! Speaking of gas! Can you believe it? It's up to 2 bucks a gallon now! Good thing I shop at Buehlors here. They give you discount on gas! The most I've gotten off on a gallon was around 1 dollar, but that is great I think! Saves a lot of money and we all need groceries anyway, right? We went to Tennessee last Saturday to visit my brother and we had a great time. I hadn't seen him in 6 months, since he moved there! The drive was okay, a bit scarey at times though! Thank God we are home safe and sound! :) Will try to do better at posting here! I have missed my bloggin friends!

Well, that's all for now, Take care and God bless!

posted by Kricket at 12:00 am