

Pearls of Marriage Wisdom

Here's to matrimony, 
the high sea for which
no compass has yet been invented.

May the winds of fortune sail you,

May you sail a gentle sea.

May your joys be as deep as the ocean.

May your troubles as light as its foam.

May your voyage through life be as happy and as free
As the dancing waves on the deep blue sea.

Pearls of Marriage Wisdom


Pearls of Marriage Wisdom

We see the love you both have in each other's eyes.

As your love grows for one another, may you look back on this day and know this is when you loved each other the least.

Pearls of Marriage Wisdom


Pearls of Marriage Wisdom

May you never lie, 
cheat or drink. 

But if you must lie, 
lie with each other. 

And if you must cheat, cheat death. 

And if you must drink, drink with us 
for we all love you 
and wish you both 
the love and happiness 
you deserve.

Pearls of Marriage Wisdom


Pearls of Marriage Wisdom

May all your hopes and dreams come true.

May the memory of this day become more dear with each passing year.

Pearls of Marriage Wisdom


The Wedding Toasts 

In our lifetimes, we are gifted a small number of truly "landmark moments". They start small enough, say, riding a two-wheeler bicycle or throwing your graduation cap high into the air. 

They grow in power and significance. You've experienced the moment when you're told, "It's a boy," and then handed that perfect little life that you created. 

And it must be a perfect moment when you look into the eyes of the most loving, caring, giving, individual that you've ever known and realize you've found true love. 

A moment like this and the commitment which follows should be celebrated to its fullest. On this day, their family and friends ensure that this moment in the lives of Kristen and Sean does not pass unrecognized. 

And in celebrating their happiness, each of us might just make this one of the landmark moments of our own lives."

Pearls of Marriage Wisdom

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Pearls of Marriage Wisdom

Pearls of Marriage Wisdom

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