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Microsoft Image Composer

Image Composer - Microsoft Software Net Links
Many help topics to choose from.  You can try posting a question to their message board,
but if you are looking for a quick answer, I don't recommend it.

Microsoft Image Composer
Microsoft's web site. Search their database for help.

Image Composer - Techniques, Tips and Help Site
Lots of very useful information which includes:  A gallery of tips, brief history on the subject,
sites and news groups to help you.

The Virtual Smitty - Image Composer Tips and Tricks
Has some useful tips with links to other support sites as well.

Tips and Tricks by Demitrius
Many helpful tips here and promises to grow.

Image Composer - Microsoft Software Net Links
From - There are lots of topics of information here which includes: Animated .Gif tutorial, Button wizard, Color paletts, FAQ from Microsoft, Logo creation and message board.

DIP presents Microsoft Image Composer
This site aides you in the explanation of the many features of Image Composer.

Beginner's Guide to Image Composer
Nice site to gain knowledge of this tool.  They have various screen shots to help aide in their explanations.

Fun with Image Composer
Very helpful site with lots of topics of information which includes: Tips and Tricks, Cool tools, Did you know..., Tools effects and texture transfers, Links, Plugin's and IC Message Board.

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