Jim Flinlen, Chairman
Assistant to Parks/Recreation Director
13420 Oak St.
Lenexa, KS 66215
913-541-8592David Foster, Vice Chairman
Jones, Rice and Foster Landscape Architects
1415 East Second
Wichita, KS 67214
Chuck Evanhoe, Treasurer
Countryside Lawn & Tree
1412 Dry Stream Ct.
Derby, KS 67037
Reg Wescott, System Forester,
Western Resources
122 Southwest 2nd St.
Topeka, KS 66603
J. David Mattox, City Forester
City of Manhattan
1506 Yuma
Manhattan, KS 66502
Wes Adell, Project Manager
Lindsborg Tree Station Director
110 So. Main, P>O> Box 448
Lindsborg, KS 67456-0069
Harlan Forslund, Rt. K-Dot
1525 S. W. Wayne Ave.
Topeka, KS 66604-2647
Barry Ragan
Volunteer City Forester
526 East 2nd St.
St. John, KS 67576
Patti Armstrong
Finny Farm
W. 239th St.
Bucyrus, KS 66013-9261
Jo. Co. Park & Recreation
District -
Sertoma Woodland Trail: between Theatre in the Park and the Small
Lakes picnic area at Shawnee Mission Park. 140+ planted and native trees with
identification markers. Includes a Memorial Tree Section.Jo.
Co. Parks & Recreation District -
Antioch Park: The Entire park is an arboretum which includes
Concordia High School - "Project Adventure"
WELL DONE Dan Stehik and the FFA of Concordia High School.
Don Stehlik, Vocational Agriculture Instructor at Concordia High School, along with
his students in FFA are providing great community leadership. His class and he, with help
from an informal advisory committee consisting of Darrel Hosie, Pat Gerhartdt, Cooperative
Extension Agents, Dale Strickler, CCCC's Ag. Department, Janice May, Linda
Chubbuck-Johnson and Virginia Thull have overseen the project. They have pulled 127+
volunteers from the high school and resources from The Concordia High School Student
Council. The National Gardening Association, Farmway Co-op, Wal-Mart, the Duclos
Foundation, Clarence Mendenhall, the Marian Cook Foundation, the National 4-H Council, the
Soil Conservation Service, KUFC-SHARE THE SHADE, Wildlife and Parks, the Wildlife
Federation, the PATH Coalition, the City of Concordia, Zugelder Cedar Fencing, Eagle
Scouting projects, and I am sure they have more coming into the project monthly. The FFA
students and the PALS program (Partners in Active Learning Support) will help maintain
this massive project. This project includes development, an acre nature trail, a wildlife
habitat, a nut grove, a firewood grove, and an exercise station and an orchard. A truly
great addition to the TREE RESOURCES IN KANSAS!