Mulch ado about composting
Sixth annual Composting Works! conference,
demonstrations starts Tuesday in Lindsborg

By Mark Berry
The Hutchinson News

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A huge, all-purpose grinder turns branches into chips during a demon- station at a previous Composting Works! conference in Lindsborg. The sixth annual conference will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.

LINDSBORG - The sixth annual Recycling and Composting Works! Conference - billed as the nation's largest demonstration of recycling, composting and wood utilization equipment - will be held this week.
   The conference runs Tuesday through Thursday on the campus of Bethany College in Lindsborg.
   The first day features workshops. One workshop deals with com- posting training, advanced composting and wood utilization. Another workshop focuses on recycling-operator training, advanced recycling, and business and industry recycling. Both workshops have begin- ning and advanced tracks.
   On Wednesday will be presentations, panel discussions and the nation's largest demonstration of recycling, composting and wood-waste reutilization equipment, said Wes Adell, conference coordinator.
   Adell described wood utilization as "using wood that was a waste problem and used to be dumped in landfill or burned."
   A free public demonstration will be from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Lindsborg Tree/Composting Station. Demonstrations will also be given at the Lindsborg Recycling Center and in the east parking lot of the Bethany College campus.

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This portable saw mill, which call turn logs into finished boards and up to 300 styles of trim, will be featured during the demonstrations at the composting and recycling conference in Lindsborg this week.

   One demonstration will feature a portable saw mill, which can turn a log into finished boards and up to 300 patterns of finished trim.
   Another demonstration will show a metal-analysis instrument. The instrument is helpful in sorting metals at recycling operations, Adell said.
   Also new to the conference is the demonstration of a truck from the Wood Recycling and Compost Center in Wichita. The truck takes mulch and blows it out of tubes for landscaping.
   Attendees will eat a Swedish smorgasbord with musical entertainment by singer-songwriter Ann Zimmerman on that evening.
   The conference continues Thursday morning with roundtable discussions and panels dealing with recycling, composting and wood utilization. Two grant workshops will be presented by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

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This unidentified participant of previous Composting Works! conference checks out some freshly made wood mulch.

   Sessions will be offered to help attendees review volunteer, public and private-sector resources to run programs. Experts from across the nation will share information and techniques to people working in recycling, composting and wood utilization.
   A banquet and awards ceremony will close out the conference. Music will be provided by eco-troubadour Stan Slaughter. Keynote speaker will be Will Ferretti, executive director of the National Recycling Coalition.
   "There continues to be a good healthy growth in composting and recycling as we develop new knowledge and new technology," Adell said. "Also, we have a new generation of schoolchildren who are learning more and more about the value and benefits of recycling and composting."

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