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Kansas Urban
Forestry Council (KUFC) -- a not for profit organization dedicated to planting and
maintaing trees in cities and towns. In partnership with the (KFS),
the National Tree Trust( NTT), and the City of Lindsborg. Volume 6.........................Winter 2000 |
The Kansas Forest Service announces Tree City USA
Day in Kansas, Tuesday, April 25th, To date, these activies have been confirmed: The keynote speaker for the day will be This is a great time for cities and towns to strut their stuff! Bring along a display board about your projects! Help plant a tree on the grounds! A fitting way to celebrate the begining of a new millennium!
How about more arboretums! Plant your Forest today!
Join the Kansas Urban Forestry Council and SHARE THE SHADE!! |
KUFC Homepage
03-15-00 Webmaster