"Restore unto me the joy of Your Salvation and uphold me by Your generous Spirit." (psalms 51:12)
And one shall say
Childhood or adolescent sexual abuse is the one crime that instills more shame into the victim than the abuser.
So many are wounded by the ones who are supposed to provide help and assistance. It leaves you feeling that you can trust no one, and perhaps this was God's grander plan for our lives.  Trust no one, except the Lord.  The center verse in the King James Version of the bible is Psalms 118:8.  There are 1,188 verses before and after, and the entire bible is summed up in the center verse, the center of the Gospel, the central Figure, the central message.

It is better to trust in the Lord    than to put confidence in man.

Many of us were hurt by trusting someone with out hearts or souls besides God. I have come to the conclusion that only God can be trusted with a human heart.  Know that there is Hope, there is a Balm in Gilead, there is Healing in His Wings.  God has not forgotten you.
unto Him, What are
these wounds in your hands?
And He shall answer, Those
with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. 
(Zechariah 13:6)
The Psalmist says that God knows everything about us, and is holding us up with His own Right Hand.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about making God any better than He is, it's about making us better than we are. "By Thee have I been holden up from the
womb." (ps 76:6)
"Father into thy hands I commit my spirit."
The Lord heard your prayer.  You are not alone.  You cannot be bad enough to make Him leave you alone, and nothing in this universe can keep Him from loving and saving you.
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Read Psalms 139, and know that you are one of His own.
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