F- is for the Faith, He has in Jesus.
A- is for, Always being there.
T- is for the Time, He gave to please us.
H- is for His Heart and loving care.
E- is for, Everything He gave us.
R- is for the Rest,He dearly needs.

Put them all together they spell FATHER.

Happy Father's Day!!

Fathers Are Wonderful People

Fathers are wonderful people
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
as often as we should.

For somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
and nurses all our ills.

And Father struggles daily
To live up to "HIS IMAGE"
as protector and provider
And "hero of the scrimage."

And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion.

But if you look inside Dad's heart
Where no one else can see,
You'll find he's sentimental
and as "soft" as he can be.

But he's so busy everyday
In the grueling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife.

But Fathers are just WONDERFUL
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolade of praise.

For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness.

And like our Heavenly Father,
He's a guardian and guide,
Someone that we can count on

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

Music by
Bruce DeBoer

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