
for you

I heard you are sick, so sorry

No one likes to be sick,
and yet we know--
It takes sunshine,
and rain,
to make the flowers grow.
Helen Steiner Rice


If we never were sick
and we never felt pain,
We'd be like a desert
without any rain...
And who wants a life
that is barren and dry,
With never a cloud
to darken the sky?
For continuous sun
goes unrecognized
Like the blessings God sends,
which are often disguised,
For sometimes a sickness
that seems so distressing
Is a time of renewal
and spiritual blessing.

Helen Steiner Rice

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KY_LADY Country Mix'ins

Kentucky_Lady4 'Country Home'
Ky_Lady4 Nook In The Hills
Home of Kentucky_Lady4

Arrangement by Night Angel