
To My Soul Mate

Ahh, my love, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways~~

I love thee, because from the moment I saw you,
I loved you,

I love thee, because when I said “I do”, I meant
all the words, and plan to live by them.

I love thee, because when we had our children, we
considered them an extension of our love

I love thee, because you appreciate all the little
things I do, whether shopping or housework.

I love thee, because as I grow older and my hair
is changing color, you never mention it.

I love thee, because when I forget something, as I
sometimes do now, you don’t make a big fuss about it.

I love thee, because growing older with you is more
fun than I thought it would be, thank you!

Honey, I love you very much,
and thank God each day for ‘introducing us to each other’
..You are my true Soul-Mate!!


'Love, Sweet Love'

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