All that is beautiful, all that is best..
Joy of activity, calmness of rest,
Health for life's pilgrimage,
Strength for its strife,
Sunshine to brighten the pathway of life;
Courage to trust, tho' the skies be o'ercast,
Hope for the future born out of the past,
Love that is tender and friends who are true;
This is my New Year's wish for you.

Author Unknown

I could not have found a writing more suitable for
the season than this one. I wish all that visit here
the very best in the upcoming year with all good things
happening. The poem says it all !!

I have been on the computer 20 years, and have met the most
wonderful people! I am just overwhelmed at the love and
blessings I am given from each. Oh, there are some that love
to disrupt peace on here, but we need to overlook and just hope
that they will cease disturbing the goodness of the web.
God bless!

From one Kentucky Lady to all:
I wish a very HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!


Holiday Pages

KY_LADY Country Mix'ins

My Home With God!
Resting In Him
Helen C Wallen Poems
Midi Page
Kentucky_Lady4 'Country Home'
Ky_Lady4 Nook In The Hills
Home of Kentucky_Lady4
Kentucky_Lady4's Little Acre
Kentucky, My State

Music arrangement by Harry Todd at: