The menu is below, but first is an olden poem I found
very interesting. Thoughts from 'yesteryear' and still
ring true for us. We should all take this time during
this holiday to be so very thankful for all God has given
us. For family, for friends and for all living things
and for this wonderful country we live in. Yes, we have
much to be thankful for. I do hope you will enjoy this
little poem, and then visit my Thanksgiving pages.
Thank you and God bless!!

My great grandfather


I've been countin' up my blessin's, I've been summin' up my woes,
But I ain't got the conclusion some would normally suppose:

Why, I quit a-countin' troubles 'fore I had a half a score,
While the more I count my blessin's, I keep a findin' more and more.

There's been things that wan't exactly as I thought they'd ought to be,
An' I've often growled at Providence for not a-pettin' me!

But I hadn't stopped to reckon what the other side had been--
How much o' good an' blessin' had been thickly crowded in.

Fer there's been a rift o' sunshine after every shower o' tears,
An' I found a load o' laughter scattered all along the years.

If the thorns have pricked me sometimes, I've good reason to suppose
Love has hid 'em often from me, 'neath the rapture of the rose!

So I'm goin' to still be thankful fer the sunshine an' the rain,
Fer the joy that's made me happy; fer the purgin' done by pain;

Fer the love o' little children; fer the friends that have been true;
Fer the guidin' hand that's led me every threatenin' danger through!

L.A. Tubbs


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KY_LADY4 Country Mix'ins

My Home With God!
Resting In Him
Helen C Wallen Poems
Kentucky_Lady4 'Country Home'
Ky_Lady4 Nook In The Hills
Home of Kentucky_Lady4
Kentucky, My State!
Ky_Lady 4 Little Acre