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To The Service Son, From His Mom

Oh how proud a mother feels
When her son grows up to be a man
He stands for good and honest ways
He serves his home, and his country land.

He strives to keep our country safe
He wears the colors proudly each day
Whether fighting, or just serving time
It's mostly work now, much less play.

He grew so fast, and time flew by
I sometimes miss this 'boy' of mine
But, Oh, my Lord, look at him now
He is a man, so tall and fine.


Have you had a son in the service??
Why not send him an email? Support our men!
He would love to hear from you!!

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KY_LADY Country Mix'ins

Kentucky_Lady4 'Country Home'
Ky_Lady4 Nook In The Hills
Home of Kentucky_Lady4

Thanks for the use of the military seals.
Cheap Graphics