Democracy was born, and we claimed our independence from
England on July 4, 1776.


The Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Betsy Ross Flag


Our Flag, though it is made of cloth,
To me is something more.
The red stripe is the blood of men,
Who died on foriegn shores.
The white stripe is the bandages,
That covered wounds and say,
The blue one, how they must have felt,
With loved ones far away.
The stars, are the one's they must have saw,
At night as they lay there.
Knowing that another night,
They'd never, never, share.
Now, how can we show disrespect,
For this Flag in the air,
As we think back, of all the men,
Who helped to put it there.

© E. H. C. 73.

**Writing is used with permission from Mikki.
Please do not remove without her permission. Thanks


Declaration of Independence


**The American Emblem**

On June 20, 1782 the bald eagle was chosen as the emblem
of our country. It was chosen for its long life, great
strength, and the majestic looks. They also believed it
only existed on this continent. The eagle represents freedom,
living up so high on mountain tops and with only nature close
by. The eagle is on our coins we use here in America; the
backs of our gold coins, the silver dollar, half dollar, and
quarter. They are also seen on the Seal of the United States
and at Federal Buildings, such as the Postal offices, as well
as government offices.


The above "Pledge" graphic by Doc.
