Ascension of Christ


During His 3-year ministry, Jesus walked on water;
healed the sick; opened blind eyes, deaf ears, and
tongue-tied mouths; restored crippled limbs; cast out
demons; stilled a violent storm; and raised the dead.
He taught truth, and could ask questions even wise
men could not answer. He preached of God, and how
we should live, so that someday we may enter heaven.
He was the only perfect person to ever walk the earth.
He called on twelve men to be 'fishers of men'. They
followed Him and aided in His ministry, listened and
learned to preach to others also. Because He could do
all these miracles, and called himself the Son of God,
the peoples anger got worse and worse. This simple man
trying to call Himself the Son of God.
They were furious,
and did not believe.


-They Came for Jesus-

During the Jewish Feast of Passover, Jesus was taken by
an angry crowd to the Roman hall of justice, and stood
before Pilate, at that time governor of Judea. He was
accused of saying he was the king of the Jews. They
sentenced Him to death with public execution. He was
taken to a place called Calvary, beaten, and placed on
a cross between two criminals. While the three were on
the cross, the soldiers broke the two criminals legs to
hasten death, but pierced Jesus side to make sure he
was surely dead. Many watched; friends, loved ones,
enemies, and the Roman soldiers.


The Crucified Man

When Jesus was arrested in the garden, all but two of
the disciples ran away and hid, afraid for their own
lives. Peter and John followed Jesus to the place of
His trial. John was the only disciple that followed to
stand at the foot of the cross, along with Mary (the
mother of Jesus), His mother's sister, and Mary Magdalene.
To so identify with a crucified man could mean certain
death, so they endangered themselves for Jesus.
Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

The other disciples, however, stood at a distance, with
the crowds and watched, for fear of being arrested.
Jesus was very moved by the devotion and love of the four
that stood by Him. It was at this time he said to His
mother, "Woman, behold your son!". Then He said to John,
"Behold, your mother!" From that hour John took her
into his own household. It was to John that he committed the care of the dearest person in all the world to Him--His
very own mother.


They put him in the tomb-

The following day, to prevent anyone from tampering and
removing Jesus' body, a Roman Seal was attached to the tomb.
And guards were place by the tomb so no one would tamper
with the tomb. This was so the words of Jesus returning in
three days could not happen.


The empty tomb and resurrection-

At the end of the sabbath, very early in the morning, Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary were going to the tomb where
Jesus lay, and there was a great earthquake. When they
arrived at the tomb, the angel appeared and told them "He
is risen" and to tell the disciples to go into Galilee and
they shall see Him. Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene,
and as she told others, they did not believe her. Then He
appeared to two of them (who loved Him)as they walked, and
when they told of it, no one believed either. Then Jesus
appeared to the disciples, and for forty days he remained
on earth to speake of the things pertaining to the kingdom
of God.


People saw Jesus --

Then the eleven disciples went into Galilee, on the mountain
where Jesus had appointed them, and they saw Him, and and
worshiped Him. But some doubted. Jesus came to them saying:

All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world.


The Apostles Did A Change

The apostles, after Jesus was crucified, were scared, and
even into denial of Jesus. But, soon after, they had a total
change, and stood and preached that Jesus was the Christ.


Many died for their beliefs

Most of the apostles died because of their beliefs, and in
the line of their preaching, and teaching. Judas, after
betraying Jesus hanged himself. Matthew, Simon, and John
were the only three to have died natural deaths; the others
were tortured, beheaded, and hung on a cross till death, but
none varied from their teaching that Jesus is the Christ.
And some say only John, on the isle of Patmos was the only
one that died a natural death. So their deaths are uncertain,
- what is certain is they all taught the unbelievers unto death.
John being on the Isle of Patmos saw visions from the Lord of what
was to come, and kept record of it. (Book of Revelation)


Sunday is now recognized as "The Lord's Day"

It was at this time that the Jewish followers of Christ
began to worship with the Gentile believers on the new
day, Sunday. The first day of the week day was now
called "The Lord's Day", since it was the day that Christ
had risen from the dead. And it was believed that the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ had cleared the
way for a new relationship with God.


The new laws brought through His teachings on earth

The Old Testament is thought of as 'history' and life
prior to God coming to earth, in the form of man, called
Jesus, the Son. Many of the old law's now were past,
such as the sacrifice of lambs.
Jesus brought, from the Father, new laws... The preachings
and teachings of Jesus, the Son of the living God were now
being heard by multitudes. They came to hear and learn.
Many healings and miracles from Jesus were seen. The Son of
God was brought forth on earth to live as man, but also to
be the ultimate sacrifice for man's sins, thus a bridge
between man and Heaven. Jesus preached and taught in many
places, but one of His very best sermon's was the Sermon
on the Mount, which is found in Matthew 5-8. He sat forth
the new teachings in the way we should live. He said "Think
not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I
am not come to destroy but to fulfil."

John 3:16

"But if the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from the dead
dwell in you, he that up raised Christ from the dead
shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit
that dwelleth in you" (Romans 8:11).

Three Crosses

Christ died to pay the price for our sins, and those
who believe in their heart that God has raised Him
from the dead will be saved (Romans 10:9-10). This
salvation that Christ offers is not a reward for effort,
but a gift to all who believe and put their trust in him.


Jesus crucified

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