
from Ky_Lady4

I want to welcome you to my 'Country Mix'ins' site, and
hope you will feel right at home. Grab a cup of coffee
and sit a spell.. *S*


First I will tell you A Little About Me:

My name is Kentucky Lady4. I am a Christian mother of four, and grandmother
of seven. Now that is a family! I am proud of each
one of them too! I have three daughters and one son.
One of my girls is a sophmore in college, and a
beautiful 20 years old.. She has been a joy to raise, and we are very proud
of her. I have two other girls (both married with
children in NC, one in KY), and a son in Illinois.
My husband and I have been married for 43 years and
through ups and downs and many illnesses, but with the
Lord's help, we have made it together. Love handles all!! God
has blessed us well.

beauty also

Stephanie, now in college has a few pages
on my first site also. Her Pages, only 3, but I enjoyed them! She lost
some of the desire, but I am very proud of her work.
They are more 'thinking' pages, as she sees things.
Being in college, she has much to write, but homework.*S*


My sister also has a site, began July 2000. She is doing
great with it, and I love to visit with her. Visit when
you can, she also loves visitors. *S*

beauty also

I have many interests; enjoy good movies, driving
around in the country, listening to good music of
many types. I enjoy sitting outside on the deck
and watching the sun come up over the foggy and
misty Kentucky hills. I also enjoy simply watching
the critters outside, whether is fox, deer, squirrels
or birds. All are fascinating to watch. --And also
I love making pages on the web. The web is so very
fascinating, and makes a big world, into a small one
and have found many great friends. (I began with a
Commodore 64 computer, and 6 computers later have
this one, that works just fine.) I enjoyed each one
when I had them, and when I remember first getting
online, there were few viruses, or problems as we
have today. A shame that some have taken a 'good
thing' and tried to mess it all up!


We can do no great things,
only small things with great love.

Mother Teresa

Happiness makes up in height
for what it lacks in length.

Robert Frost

Index of Country Mix'ins Menu's

Special Greetings
Pages to send that special friend. Different themes,
by category. Hope you will enjoy them and send to
that 'special someone' in your life.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine
They say laughter keeps us young. Hope you stay young
for many years!! And hope you will enjoy the selections.

I have Christmas, Christian, Children's, and Assorted
midi's here, hope you will find one you like!

I have started a 'Holiday' site, and add pages as I can.

My Links

Poems, and Endangered Animals!

Please view my Graphics/Backgrounds area, many themes
and also muted pages.

Please visit for poems from friends and myself, and also
links to my other Home With God sites listed.

My newest site, began with Patriotic pages.
My pages, "Flags" and "September 11, 2001"
are included in this area. There will be more
topics also as time goes by.

Please sign my guestbook, I would love your comments!
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Some of my midi's come from

Night Angel Midi Files
Bruce Deboer Midi Files

Other midi's on this site are free ones from free
sites unless otherwise noted.

If you see anything on my site that belongs to you
and is protected by copyright, please email me and
let me know, and I will either give you credit or
remove it from the site.