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Where They Lived— Religious and Political Differences— German-Americans Rally Around the Flag —Why They Volunteered and How They Were Recruited— Where They Fought— Prejudices— Performance.
German-Americans of the:
If you have any photos of or letters witten by any of Kentucky's German-Americans you would like displayed on this web site , please contact the webmaster, Joe Reinhart, at
More rosters will be added.
If you have any photos of or letters witten by any of Kentucky's German-Americans you would like displayed on this web site , please contact the webmaster, Joe Reinhart, at
Two Germans in the Civil War: The Diary of John Daeuble and the Letters of Gottfried Rentschler, 6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry was released by the University of Tennessee Press in May 2004 in a hardcover book containing 279 pages, 8 maps, and 7 photos and engravings. Translated and edited by Joseph R. Reinhart.
Retail Price $32.00
Praise for this Book
"Joseph Reinhart has provided us with an invaluable collection of Civil War soldiers' firsthand accounts. The words of Daeuble and Rentschler not only offer valuable glimpses into the life of the average soldier in the Western Theatre, but even more significantly illuminate some of the differences between German-American and Anglo-American troops. Expertly translated from the original German, Reinhart's edited compilation of these important letters and diary entries eloquently reminds us that the Civil War was not simply a struggle between North and South, but also a period of competing ethnic identities, nativism, and immigrant acculturation." —Chrisian B. Keller, Co-author of Damn Dutch: Pennsylvania Germans at Gettysburg
Available from major bookstores, internet booksellers, or the web master