Dexter's Page

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In September of 1995, we decided to take that big step and get a dog. We were originally looking for a bloodhound, but just did't have the room. So, when it came time, we went to Friends of Animals to adopt a dog.There he was, all ears and slobber!!! Dexter, our basset hound!!! He was about 2 1/2 years old at the time and had lived in a kennel the whole time. He had no human contact and absolutley no stimulation. it was obvious that the contact he did have was negative, you couldn't move to quick or even open the newspaper with out him cowaring!!! But, we decided to take him home and give it a's was the hardest thing I've ever done. To see this beautiful animal, that was so scared of EVERYTHING!! When we finally got home, he paced for hours, and urinated all over everything andrefused to go outside. We couldn't get near him, he was so scared!! Well it took some time and crate training, but soon we licked the housetraining! He even became king of the house (and couch!!!!)!!!

We have now had Dexter for 1 1/2 years and boy has he changed!! He goes to most people(not my mom), and even loves our 5 month old baby!! He absolutely lovesother dogs!!!! Recently we made a visit to the vet, you see he was cramping up and howling, they took X-Rays and found out that is back is 80%fused together!! So now we are taking Ascripton every day and when he has a bad day Rimadyl. The vet seems to think that he'll be okay for awhile.........The day we have to put him down will absolutely break my heart. But until then its running, taking truck rides, and stealing dad's golf balls!!!!

Thanks,Dexter's Mom and Dad

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