zoe5b.jpg - 2.3 K Zoe

Zoe is approximately 2 1/2 - 3 years old and looks like an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix. She looks like the herding dogs in the movie Babe with a dark brown coat and little cupped ears. Zoe2a.jpg - 15.5 K I've had her for almost 2 years yet she is still very fearful of strangers. She was brought into a local animal shelter after being lost or abandoned and stayed there for 3 months. The volunteer who worked there had to work intensely with her for a whole month before she would emerge from the corner of her pen. When I brought her home, she didn't leave one room for 3 weeks! She had to be carried from one room to another, up and down the stairs - getting her to go out and come back in was an ordeal.

She's been through obedience training but is still so afraid of strangers (but loves most dogs, unless they're very aggressive or large). She was very hand-shy when I first got her but now trusts me and my family. All 50 pounds of her would be on my lap 24 hours a day if possible! Zoe4a.jpg - 23.6 K It's been almost 2 years and she still barks and backs away from most people. I'm afraid she may snap out of fear if someone approachs her quickly or unexpectedly. But the people she knows and trusts, she's all over them! I just want her to overcome this since I know how lovable she is and she really seems to want to go by everybody but is scared. She has a dog walker but barks at her too - I think she's afraid she'll take her away from me. Zoe3.jpg - 14.9 K She loves her home and is spoiled rotten - she has a doggie bed full of toys (we use it as a toy chest)! Click here to see more pictures of Zoe.

Zoe is such a good girl and I'm going to try to find an animal behaviorist so everyone else can see the dog I see. It pains me to still see her fear.

Contact Zoe's mom, Doreen Simonian at doreen.simonian@bmge.com
