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My Research

Occupational Identification and Multidisciplinary Work Teams

Since 1995 I've been conducting research with Dr Sandy Smith, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) looking at occupational identity and multidisciplinary work teams. To date we've completed five studies, with analysis of the final study underway. A manuscript reporting one of these studies is in preparation, as is a literature review. Data collection has been assisted by grants from the USQ Science Faculty Affirmative Action Research Grant Scheme, the USQ Department of Psychology, and the QUT School of Psychology and Counselling.

Territoriality and Driver Behaviour

Also with Dr Sandy Smith, I've been awarded a grant from the Motor Accident Insurance Commission of Queensland, investigating whether the car is perceived as a primary territory, and the consequences of this for driver behaviour. This grant is funding a PhD scholarship at the QUT Centre for Accident Research Graham, me, and Sandyand Road Safety - Queensland for Mr Graham Fraine, whom I'm co-supervising. We have presented a number of papers on this research at national and international conferences, and a paper has been published in the refereed proceedings of one of these conferences. Here's a photo of the three of us in a very personalized car.

Alcohol and Drug Studies

Since 1997 I have been engaged in writing a number of papers related to alcohol and drug use in the workplace, and by young people, with Mr Jeremy Davey of QUT. Five of these papers have been published, one is in press and another paper, on exposure to health promotion messages of year 12 students participating in Schoolies Week, is in preparation. I'm currently working at the National Centre in HIV Social Research, at the University of New South Wales, on a project looking at initiation to injecting drug use among young people.

Sense of Community

Logo of the sense of community in sf fans studyWith Dr Sandy Smith I'm co-supervising Ms Patricia Obst, a QUT PhD student investigating sense of community and social identity theory. As part of this, we've done a study looking at sense of community in science fiction fans; the logo for this study is left. A paper based on this study is in submission, and a second paper is in preparation. For more information on Trish's project, go here. In addition, I'm associate supervisor for Ms Jacqueline de la Rue, a USQ Health and Community Masters student looking at sense of community and its relationship to length of residence of USQ residential college members.

Social Identity and Intergroup Contact

Since completing my PhD at the Centre for Research on Group Processes at the University of Queensland, supervised by Professor Michael A. Hogg, I have been preparing journal articles based on my PhD research on changing stereotypes and prejudice through intergroup contact, from a social identity perspective.

Ingroup Identification and The Theory of Planned Behaviour

I am currently preparing papers based on two projects using the theory of planned behaviour and social identity theory to predict intention to purchase environmentally-friendly products. One is based on the graduate diploma research project of Ms Billie-Ann Bambrick. In 1999 I also supervised an honours student, Ms Mabel Posman, whose thesis investigates the two theories in the context of predicting smoking and quitting smoking behaviour. I'll be presenting a paper based on this at the Australian Psychological Society annual conference, The Brain Games 2000, as part of a symposium on applying social psychological theories to real world problems.

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Page owner and producer: Lucy Zinkiewicz
Page last modified: 11 July 2000