I Really Wanted To Believe This Time

Reconstruction Of the Fables:

My X-Files Fan Fiction Page Gets A Facelift


Hi, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I have decided to revamp this entire page, as it has been brought to my attention that there are some serious problems with it. I will still list the stories I've written so far and will be busy creating a site of which I can be proud----or at least, feel better about. Thank you for your patience.

Along with short stories, I will be posting chapters of a novel based on "The X-Files." I've already completed the outline, so I should have it done in the next few months. I have to juggle time on this site with several others, not to mention a manuscript that my publisher wants me to finish.

I will tell you a few things about the novel: It involves Mulder and Scully, who are investigating something that chills them to their bones, palpatates their hearts and causes the hairs on the backs of their necks to stand up with fear and dread. They have been visited by a rather odd little boy of about ten. The agents soon discover that little Butchie is a genius and has been visited by a kind-faced angel, bathed in a bright light, who approached Butchie with the news that someone very charismatic, intelligent, but extremely sinister and swaddled in the black clothing of pure and unadulterated evil will pay the boy a visit. The angel, whose name is Belinda, implores Butchie to stop this dangerous and sinister creature before the entire universe, earth included, will be destroyed.

The boy is puzzled, intruiged and somewhat skeptical of this beautiful and shimmering woman, but something in her eyes drew him into her soul and he is suddenly filled with a warm and loving white light.

I seem to be giving out a lot of my novel, but I just wanted you to know where I am going with this project. Now I'll continue:

Butchie, after many hours of deliberating, rode his bike to a bridge. The dangerous individual lives under the bridge and is sleeping soundly. The boy isn't certain if he should wake this stranger up, but before he can do anything, the man, an unusually atractive man who gives off a dark aura, unlike Belinda's comforting one. After Butchie tells the man that Belinda had appeared to him, wanting the two to meet, he motions to the boy to sit down beside him under the bridge. He asks Butchie to read a thick and heavy document and then he mustis the embodimentout likma series of real-life tragedies that occured during the last ten years of the last millennium, events that shaped our society for the worst and would forever change the lives of everyone, not just Americans, but people far away in every corner of the world.

Then Butchie meets the two agents and all three of them set out to solve this twisted and evil mystery which could very well herald in a devastating series of events that can and will mean the end of eternity

As Mulder and Scully go backward to carefully research the happenings from the beginning of the last century, they learn something that is so extremely heinous and sickening, that both agents' lives would be so ravaged and hopeless, that it would take answers from an alterate world---one mimicking ours right down to our history. But Mulder and Scully were not supposed to find the alarming revellation---each and every creature on earth was to remain in the dark, with regard to the final outcome of a society so terribly corrupt and tained with evil.

They would then learn a crucial piece of informagtion: That the Book of Revellation was, in reality, not based on God's dire predictions, but rather, every act that resulted in the final apocalypse was the product of estraterrestials. They'd been keeping tabs on how humanity was comitting suicide, with the destroying of the rain forest, terrible wars, the Holocaust and diseases that would produce the AIDS virus. These intelligent, unreachable aliens finally decide to do away with our planet as the new millennium has, seemingly, been poisoned from unspeakable acts of cruelty and depravity that occurred during the last ten years, from 1990 to 2000.

While reading these words of doom, Mulder and Scully begin the search of a lifetime, trying frantically to somehow alter the past decade. Such incredibly ungodly events such as the tragedy in Waco, Texas, eight years before, the fatal rampages that culminated in two enraged boys took out thirteen victims, armed to the teeth with guns and bombs and the horrific bombing of the Murrah federal building in 1995.

As it turned out, events that resulted in the deaths of children and teens reached an apex in the early 90's, as aggressively thin women on television became girls and boys' ambition to appear as bone-thin as they are. They're starving themselves, sometimes unto death, in their obsessive desire to look like concentration camp inmates. Anorexia and bulimia stats went right off the graph in the early 90's, so eating disorders were doing their part to prune the population of children, teens and adults.

Chldren too young for kindergarten are taking their own lives, as parents often ignore them and won't take the time to listen to their sons and daughters as they make an effort to tell them how unhappy and empty they are. eruption, the suicides of the twenty-nine members of the "Heaven's Gate", the Holocaust, the Columbine killings, the Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah federal buiding six years ago and many other atrocities inflicted on our world.

Well, there's a bit of the novel---an outline that omits a great deal. I don't want to give it all away before I've finished it.

Here are the first four stories---two are completed and two will be in a day or two. I hope you like them. Please excuse my first site----it really sucked.

I am doing my best to write stories that are quite different from any others you have read on other sites. I have a long way to go, so please be patient. I've written one send-up of the show, but the majority of them will be dramatic rather than comedic.

Racing Against the Sun:
An Original X-Files Story

Metamorphosis In Hell:
Mulder"s Dangerous Gamble To Save the World From AIDS

The Thinning Of New England:
An Original X-Files Story

The Thinning Of New England:

Squirming Maggots Live Under Rocks:
An Original X-Files Satire

Squirming Maggots Live Under Rocks:

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If you care to write for any reason, I can be reached here:
