This page is to honor all of our service men and women everywhere.
Since our country fought the Revoltionary war, men have been willing to die for what they believe to be the rights and freedoms of all citizens who choose to live in this great land of ours.  For many years, women were the nursemaids of the wounded and dying.  They were willing to brave the frontline to help those in need, and would not be allowed to officially join the ranks for many years.
Through many wars and conflicts, our men and women have given of themselves and their love, to protect our freedoms, and those of others.  We have lost so many to these tragedies, but still we enlist ourselves to our country, taking away our own freedom to become the property of our Government, to fight and protect.
We realize that we give up some of our own freedoms in order to protect the freedoms of those around us.  That is a choice we make to  ensure that we will be able to have those freedoms returned to us when our enlistments are done.
Many have chosen to do the same, whether they have gone before us or will follow us, the decision to protect is an honorable one.  They enlist not to fight for a flag, but for what that flag represents.
The pride they display over "Old Glory" is in honor of our rights, our freedoms, our way of life.  For her, then do we fight.  For she carries our hopes, our dreams and our loves each time she waves in the breeze.  She reminds us of what we have waiting for us when we get home.
As for what we have waiting for us, we have our families,  a country where freedom is still the belief we share, and a home where we can be ourselves.
I have not forgotten, though, that there is an unhonored branch of our services that exists.   It is the military Spouses.  Women and men who await our return home.  They give of their time and their hearts, unselfishly, unconditionally.  They take care of the home we want to come home to, our children who miss us when we are gone and love us the whole time, praying for our return.
They deserve, also, to be saluted for what they go through.  And they should be honored for all they do.

So to all military men and women, of all SIX branches, I salute you, I honor  you, and I pray for your safe return home....

Rhea, PNSN USN Disabled Veteran
Cullen's page
Bethany's page
In Honor of Annetta Jane
In Honor of Richard Carl
For Those Who Were,For Those Who Are, And Will Be
Poetry be Reanna Noel...Page 1
Graphics by Susie's Graphics
I would like to thank Susie for her wonderful Graphics, Please make sure to go to her page and see so many more wonderful graphics that she has designed.