This is Jen Jen....My Goth Princess!!!

  I finally nabbed some of her pics that I know she likes...for she uses them on her blog for her intorduction page....

  She is amazing.  We have the type of friendship where we can yell at each other, cry with each other, and be happy with each other...and though there are times when both of us withdraw...we usually do it for a reason, but it doesn't mean that we don't love each other.  It just means that there is something going on and we need to deal with it.

  She is the one who introduced me to my path, really allowed me to use what I have as inate instincts and realize my place in the universe.  Without her, most of the friends that I have had in the past two years, I wouldn't have had.  She is strong,  and shhhhhh .... loving.... but you didn't hear that from me!!!  LOL

  Do I look up to her??  Yes.  No matter how mad we get with each other, we still talk about what is going on and try to do things when we can with each other, though I tend to be the one too afraid to go out and do things, so I tend to make excuses for not going...the famous one being cleaning.
I am just glad that she can be honest with me and not let me get away with being so shut in.  I am so glad that she is a part of my life, for she forces me to face things I would normally try to hide from.

So, to my JemmyPoo...You really are loved....
Graphic by Magical Moon