LadyFire's Awards

Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooo happy that I won these awards and I am now wearing them with pride on my homepage! It's just really nice when one spends lots of time and hard work on something and gets recognition for it. I thank all those who have found my website worthy of their wonderful awards and have awarded me. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys really made my day! **BouNcE**

Awards I've won .....

We have finished our review and are very happy to inform you that your site is a WINNER. Congratulations. We think your site is well designed and has excellent content.

Congratulations!! I have reviewed your site and your pages truly deserves this award. Keep up the good work:) Take care.

I just got back from visiting your site and thought it was great! You have managed to combine cool content, neat graphics and easy navigation into a site that has been a pleasure to visit. So...
Congratulations!!! You have been selected to receive the "King Of The Jungle" award for outstanding excellence in your webpage design. Please wear our award with pride as your page deserves it!

Congratulations!You have a very nice website. I enjoyed my visit and will be back to visit it often. I am attaching my award to this message. Your hard work paid off. You have a great site and it was a pleasure to visit.
I book marked it.

Your page has very nice content and is very nicely designed.
I would like to award you with "Snoflake's Great Website Award"

Win an award from me!Just click on the "My Awards" link to see what awards I am giving out! Also check out my FreeAwards page for your very own FREE customised awards!!!

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