Welcome to my homepage of mystic.This webpage covers things that are mystical.However, due to time constraints,I have only managed to do up the astrological column.Do check back in again though as I will be adding new stuff soon!
LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 23)
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
- Perfectly balanced -
- A born survivor -
Good Qualities: Affectionate, likeable, magnetic, fair and socially correct.
Bad Qualities: Oversensitive, cold, vain, always procrastinates and demanding.
Sign : Air
Colour : Shades of blue
Metal : Copper

Good Qualities: Dynamic, direct, positive and alert.
Bad Qualities: Jealous, combatative, destructive, domineering and obstinate.
Sign : Fire
Colour : Red
Metal : Iron

SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 21)
TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20)
- The dangerous one -
- The strong one -
Good Qualities: Spiritual and able to determine the truth.
Bad Qualities: Abuse of power, fanatic, destructive, jealous and self serving.
Sign : Water
Colour : Maroon
Metal : Iron

Good Qualities: Friendly, tactful, socially graceful and gentle.
Bad Qualities: Careless, indecisive, overly romantic, too dependant, jealous and obstinate.
Sign : Earth 
Colour : Pink
Metal : Copper

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
GEMINI (May 21 - June 21)
- The optimist -
- Of dual mindedness -
Good Qualities: Jovial, optimistic, generous, philosophical and lucky.
Bad Qualities: Arrogant, bigoted, careless and lawless.
Sign : Fire
Colour : Purple
Metal : Iron

Good Qualities: Adaptable, congenial, expressive and clever.
Bad Qualities: Critical, loves to complain, ungrateful and wishy washy.
Sign : Air
Colour : Green
Metal : Mercury

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
- The practical one -
- The patient one -
Good Qualities: Practical, self-disciplined, responsible and reliable.
Bad Qualities: Miserly, indifferent and rigid.
Sign : Earth
Colour : Dark brown
Metal : Silver

Good Qualities: Patient, sensitive, romantic, sociable and maternal.
Bad Qualities: Clannish, moody, worrier, clingy and jealous.
Sign : Water
Colour : Silvery blue
Metal : Silver

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
LEO (July 23 - Aug 22)
- The rebellious renegade -
- The majestic king -

Good Qualities: Loaths restriction, resourceful, intuitive, inventive and humanitarian.
Bad Qualities: Unadaptable, perverse, eccentric, rebellious.
Sign : Air
Colour : Turquoise
Metal : Aluminium

Good Qualities: Full of vitality, honorable, creative, generous and dignified.
Bad Qualities: Egoistic, arrogant, vain and extravagant.
Sign : Fire
Colour : Yellow gold
Metal : Gold

PISCES  (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22 )
- The sensitive one -
- Of purity -
Good Qualities: Sensitive and idealistic.
Bad Qualities: Dishonest and indecisive.
Sign : Water
Colour : Soft sea green
Metal : Platinum

Good Qualities: Industrious, methodical, humane and loving.
Bad Qualities: Critical, petty, self-centred and picky.
Sign : Earth
Colour : Green
Metal : Mercury