This month I remember
(A Friend I could have known....)
Welcome to my Reflections homepage. Every month I will touch on a topic to reflect on and state my views on it here. This month I honor a friend I could have known. His name's Devon and he passed away recently in his sleep. He was my age - 19. The cause of his death is still unknown. As I sit here in front of my computer, I remember how happy he was when he was alive.  He was a happy person, full of life and dreams and aspirations and as I sit here thinking about him, I realise just how very fragile life is. One moment you're here and the next you are not. I remember Devon. I hardly spoke two sentences to him but I remember how I'd sneak glances at him in the lecture hall and how I'd hold my breath whenever he walked by. He had the most amazing smile and the warmest eyes. He was really talented in art too. He loved drawing sketches of people. One day in the lecture hall, I had the amazing luck of sitting next to him and he had this entire folder full of wonderful sketches. I remember thinking to myself "Wow, this guy is really amazing." Yeah, I had a major crush on Devon just like about a dozen other girls in my polytechnic. Of course, nothing ever happened between me and him and he left the polytechnic to enroll into an art school so that was the end of the crush. Life went on and he remained a fond memory. I just never expected... that he would leave so suddenly. When I bumped into my friend recently and he told me what had happened, I just couldn't believe it. I mean how could a guy who had such a promising future and who was so full of life just be dead? I guess what I am trying to say is...His death has really made me look at life from a different perspective. Often many of us take life for granted. Often we think that being young, death is far away but the truth of the matter is, death can hit anyone at anytime. No one is protected from death's clutches. I guess Devon's death also has taught me to appreciate life more and not take every day for granted. If there is something you have to say to someone or something good you have to do, do it today. Do not wait until tomorrow for you never what tomorrow will bring. I regret not knowing Devon better and now it's too late. All that is left now are fond memories.  I remember you Devon and wherever you are, I hope you're happy.... my friend.