Homepage of Animals
Every day, millions of animals are being abandoned , abused, neglected...Just the other day,there was a case reported in the newspaper abt a cat that was tied to the back of a van.The cat was dragged ard for God knows how long until a police car spotted it. How did humans get so cruel? Why do we think that we can abuse animals? Cos animals are less important? Cos they can't speak, they can't cry and they can't hurt back? A life of any animal be it great or small is as important as that of a human being and unless we can learn to care for them and stop the senseless abuse then we haven't learnt the meaning of the word HUMANITY yet....

How you can do your part today:)
Do not take minor acts of abuse lightly especially with children. If they are not corrected early on, their behaviour may lead to more serious forms of abuse later on in their lives which may extend to their future families or loved ones. Often a child who is being abused at home may also in turn abuse an animal. Talk to the child and find out what is happening. The child may be reluctant to discuss his/her own abuse but would instead be more willing to discuss the abuse of a beloved pet. So, break the cycle of abuse today. Child welfare and animal welfare agencies can all lend a helping hand in stopping the cycle of abuse and provide help.
If you suspect an animal is being abused, report to the authorities immediately. Abuse includes not providing sufficient food, water and shelter or the use of brute physical force on an animal. Some people abuse just for the thrill and fun of it. They have to be stopped before their cycle of abuse influences or affects those in their community.
Do not support any form of animal abuse or animal testing. Some cosmetic products test on animals. Do not buy these!And no fur coats!!! Would you like someone putting chemicals on your face to see if it will kill you or skinning you and wearing your skin for some senseless status symbol? I think it's crazy how materialistic some  people are that they are willing to hurt an animal just to look good. They may look good on the surface but beneath all the crap they are basically just very ugly people.
Spread the word around! STOP ANIMAL ABUSE TODAY!!! Start your own webpage,put up posters, join the S.P.C.A. or any other animal welfare organization. Do whatever you can  to stop the abuse now. Look inside your heart and the next time you see that lil kitty or puppy or even that little mouse crying for help, do your part and reach out a helping hand. Also don't forget the Big animals!:) More and more species of animals are becoming endangered or extinct due to the relentless cycle of abuse and cruelty. Get involved in this fight and together we can do our part be it in a big or small way to stop animal abuse today.
Do you have a webpage that fights for a good cause?Email me the URL today and you may just win my "LadyFire's Saint" award!