Welcome to Dr LadyFire's Advice Column
*LOl*Here I am with my own advice column!!!Yeps,if any of u have a problem,do email me.I am Dr LadyFire here to ease all ur troubles and to erase all ur paIn!!! So dun be sHy!Come share,shaRE!
Featured Dilemma:
I have bad nightmares about being chased by a vampire.What do I do?
Dear Dr LadyFire,

I have a slight problem. You see, I keep having nightmares abt this girl. The thing is she is the girl I have a crush on in school. In my dreams, she turns into a vampire and runs after me and tries to bite me. I wake up only when I feel her teeth start to pierce my neck. Pls help me. What do these dreams mean and what can I do to stop them?

Yours sincerely,
Nearly Bitten
Dear Nearly BItten,
Firstly, do I look like a DREAM INTERPRETER to you? *lol* Secondly, I don't see what your problem is .. You like the girl and now she appears as a vampire in your dreams. Maybe unconsciously you want her to neck you or vice versa so your subconscious has materialised your desires in a somewhat aggressive and .. ahem .. passionate way. My advice to you is enjoy your dream! Let her bite your neck! After all, it could turn into a really cool hickie in the morning:) And if it doesn't, well, do include me in your will before u take my advice....
If you dare not explore your dreams, then I only have one thing to say. Are you a man or a mouse? Be brave. If you are a mouse, then do email me. I can introduce my hamster to you. She's quite an attractive female. Lastly, you want your nightmares to stop? Simple, my advice to you is ...
Just don't fall asleep.:)

Sweet Dreams,
Dr LadyFire

Anyone else sad, lonely or having other stressful problems?Do email me. I would love to "advise" you soon:)