The Schools


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This page is dedicated to the schools that became highly popular after BIO movie was release in August 2000. In fact, this site address was based on one of the school's name. Yup, you've guessed it! It's the Rancho Carne High & East Compton High School page special.

The Truth is So Out There

Even wonder if Rancho Carne High and East Compton High actually exist in real life? Or have you even wonder if the movie was actually shot in the school's premises? Well, you're in luck cause I've found some useful and interesting info on this matter.


    After some 'intensive digging' on the net, I've found out that the school Rancho Carne High doesn't exist in reality! What confuse me is that there's actually an alumnae website with the same school name. But I couldn't find any details regarding the actual school though, so I have to presume that it was a made believe school or something (but what the hell do I know, right?) Click HERE to go to the page.

    Therefore, the Bring It On movie was not shot in the original school. They shoot it in numerous places which includes the Academy of Our Lady Peace, San Diego State University, Eastlake High School, University of California San Diego (UCSD) and Oceanside, CA. See below for more details.

Academy of Our Lady Peace, San Diego, CA
This all girls prep school is the place where the production shoot the Toros practicing their cheers (indoor gymnasium). You know, when Torr give the team a prep talk before Whitney & Courtney could sink their claws onto the team? Anyway, there isn't any pic of the place but I do have a few here which is related to the place.


San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Okay, when I first saw pics of this place, I was like "Bingo!". See the pics below if you don't believe me. The place looks mighty familiar don't you think? (Hint: Torr told Cliff about her break-up with Aaron & Torr trying to get Les to help her audition)


University of California San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, San Diego
Although I'm not sure about this, a reliable source has reveal that this is also one of the places used in the movie. It must've been an indoor shooting or something since I don't really recognize the place.


Eastlake High School, Chula Vista, San Diego
A huge thanks to ELH graduate
Andrew Jackson for this info. This school was use as RCH's football field (yup, is that scene when the football team have their game). See the picture below for confirmation.




    Finding the East Compton High was as hard as the Rancho Carne High. But after much searching, I finally found out that the BIO production had use Kearny High School in San Diego, California as the base for the on-screen East Compton High School. To know more about the school, click HERE to go to their official website. Below is some of the pictures taken by the school's newspaper (I think) during the filming of BIO in their premises. The production had change the Kearny High's original name into East Compton High to fit the script. They also use the Stephen Watts Kearny High School in San Diego (though I don't know whether the two schools were actually the same one) gym and convert it into the Clover's gym (thanks to Pynky for this info).

And the pictures below shows us the real Kearny High School.



Sadly though, after much searching I cannot find any school with the name East Compton High School anywhere, so I have to presume that the original school doesn't exist.