Merry Meet and Welcome....

Welcome to my haven.

Leave the cares and trails of the mundane world at the door.

And enter a world filled with sunshine and gentle breezes dancing o'er the waves. Settle thyself beneath some shady trees and watch as the gossamer clouds drift by while listening to the murmur of the trees as they talk and the chattering of the birds as they discuss the doings of the day. Gaze upon the ever changing ballet of the waves as they whirl and frolic with the wind.

Tread thy path with care, and you may find many hidden paths not seen by the casual visitor

Enter Stranger and wander as you will through my world....

"Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the earth. We did
not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever
we do to the web, we do to ourselves."
Chief Seattle

Paths to wander while your here......

Of Elvish Kith and Kin

Elvish Dreamer Design

(come see my graphics)

Dive into the Depths

Get Back to the Basics

Just who is the Lady of the Woods?

Guardians of my Haven

Awards and gifts that my Haven has recieved

Other paths on other sites to explore...

Visit my Silly Bunny's Tavern (under construction)

Atalantha's Magical Creature Page

Other Links


The Enviromental News Network
Countrylife and Simplicity Village
Enviromental Emailer


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(click on Witchy for email)

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Last checked and updated -- 14/06/2001 08:19:19 PM