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Living on the ice-cap..

Probably the most popular penguin of all would have to be that dear little thing that used to be found on channel 4's Knowledge Network- Pingu. It's amazing how a four-minute cartoon from Switzerland about a penguin made out of plasticine can be so enjoyable. If I'm not mistaken, I'm sure Pingu sounds like he's speaking backwards Swedish though.

This short cartoon takes place one the ice cap where he lives in an igloo with his mother, his baby sister Pinga, and his father who works as a postman. Pingu is popular to the people of Canada and Japan just as he is popular among the other penguins of the ice cap. (To think that nearly 90% of all highschool girls in Japan know Pingu. Madness! If he wanted to take over the world, he probably could...) Ping and Pingo are Pingu's penguin friends, along with Robby the seal. No one can be a friend with everyone though, as proven by the "mean-minded" seagull, which is Pingu's enemy.

(By clicking the image above, you can see the same picture-
Only bigger!)
Now, here's something interesting. Just how many laws of this land of ours does the ice cap residential area break? Plenty. For starters- why don't their wood stoves melt their igloo homes down? They melt snowmen well enough. Pingu can change shape and size. Pinga can do this as well, to a certain extent. Pingu also has a detachable head when he's really getting down- I know they're made of plasticine, but come on, he's still a penguin. Penguin eggs also get their own part in this- they can dance! They create feet just for the purpose. If actual eggs could do that, I'm sure someone would have already made a musical side show...

Now, wouldn't it be great if we could all make house repairs by throwing a well-aimed snowball at our igloo?

There's always the odd thing about cartoons, things that would never, ever happen outside the cartoony world. Where would we be if everything was perfect? People would be insane, I tell you! I mean, just what is the black and white outfit on the washing line of Pingu's igloo anyway? And, how do they get their electricity for the record player, iron, washing machine -and- the doorbell? I'm assuming the electrical cords run underground... Even the telephone cords.

Pingu has teeth! What kind of penguin has teeth?! Pingu's got so many things a normal penguin wouldn't have. For instance, he also has side pockets in his skin for money, which is fish. Do they have a fish exchange rate?

All in all- Pingu is still one of the most popular 4 minute short cartoons. Enjoy!

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