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The Exploratory Learning and Teaching Newsletter of
Dokkyo University Winter 2007 No. 10


Welcome to Languaging! No. 10!

Please note that archived issues are now available online also as PDF files. Future issues will no longer be made available in HTML format. Feel free to print the entire issue or refer to the Table of Contents and print only the page numbers of articles of interest. Let us know if you have any questions.

Click here to download the PDF file for
Languaging! No. 10

Student Features
Good Teachers, Bad Teachers

The Elementary English Education Debate

Ami Ouchi

Yuko Iwasaki

Focus on Teaching
Go Observe and Accept Observers!

Influencing Student Attitudes

Scaffolding More Human Interaction

Reading Minority Literature 

Risa Aoki

Robert Palka

Christopher Carpenter

Tomoko Ichitani



Community of Practice
JALT2007: “Going” vs. “Being Part of”

Naoki Yamaura

Critical Perspectives
A Plea for Democracy in Education 

Guess What? Students Do Care!

The Wisdom of Crowds and ELT

Akiko Kiuchi

Stephen Christie
   with students

Tim Murphey


Research Pathways
Confidence and Anxiety in Speaking

The Kind of English Students Want

Yoji Jukugo: Message in Four Characters

Sarah Osboe, Tomoko
   Fujimura, Rob Hirschel

Tetsuya Fukuda

Jeroen Bode


Global Interaction
Students as Researchers

Nepal: Education for All by 2015

Get Involved! How to Start Volunteering

Masayasu Sakaguchi

Koko Kato,Tim Murphey

Naoki Sekimoto



  • Bonus! To download a PDF of the "Student Volunteering Opportunities" booklet edited by Dokkyo University students, click here.

Also in this issue ...
The Chatroom

Readers Forum

Website Recommendations

Brown Bag Tuesdays

Photocopiable Activity Page
(Click to download PDF)

The Efficiency Column







Click here to download the PDF file for
Languaging! No. 10

BONUS! To download a PDF of the
"Student Volunteering Opportunities" booklet
edited by Dokkyo University students, click here.

Big Blue Dot

Welcome to Languaging! No. 10!
The biggest issue EVER!

Yes, this is it, Languaging! No. 10, and at 52 pages, the biggest issue ever! At five years running, we are happy to present to you yet another collection of writings and ideas from our own community of teachers, learners, and readers. Once again we have a nice assortment of topics from a wide range of writers, including students, undergrad and graduate, teachers, faculty and adjunct, from Dokkyo University as well as guests from other institutions as far away as Brazil. We welcome and thank them all for enriching our community with their words.

* * *
We would like to thank our many guest editors, Tetsuya Fukuda, Yuko Iwasaki, Takeshi Kikuchi and Jerry Waldman, for all of their help. Also we were happy to again welcome contributions from our sister community at the University of Tsukuba. Our special Ibaraki editor, Markus Rude, once again solicited valuable additions to this issue from his colleagues. We are happy and proud to learn that Tsukuba will soon be starting their own access publication based on the Languaging! model, with the first issue to be launched in June 2008.

Happy reading and have a splendid New Year!
The editors of Languaging! No. 10

Christopher Carpenter
Stephen Christie
Tim Murphey
Markus Rude

* * *
This issue is dedicated to our coeditor, colleague and friend, the founder of this newsletter, Tim Murphey. He will be leaving our immediate community next year, but we know wherever he goes he will continue to inspire people, students and teachers alike, with his energy, ideas, and passion. Like the Christmas Butterfly on the cover (don’t you know?), Tim helps people find their wings, and, as he is fond of saying,
Be the Change
You wish to see in the World!

Best of luck, Tim, and thanks for everything!

* * *
Share your learning and teaching explorations!
Languaging! is a place to experiment, not just write about experiments.
Think about your favorite ways of teaching and learning – fun ways to learn that could help others. Think about the data you might collect and share in our informal newsletter: keeping a journal, recording your changing feelings and ideas, having friends observe your classes, visiting friends’ classes, getting feedback from students on your classes, your materials, or the whole education system! Read a good book? Write about it. Have a good idea? Write about it. Had a good conversation? Write about it!

Get your ideas out in Languaging! Ask your students to submit their ideas, too!
Send submissions for Languaging! No. 11 by May 15th to the editors at

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Ye Olde Standard Disclaimer
The opinions and views expressed in Languaging! do not necessarily reflect those of the editors nor of Dokkyo University (and maybe not even of the authors - after all people change their minds all the time!). Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy!

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Click here to download the PDF file for
Languaging! No. 10

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