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The Exploratory Learning and Teaching Newsletter of
Dokkyo University Winter 2008 No. 12


Welcome to Languaging! No. 12!

Please note that archived issues are now available online also as PDF files. Future issues will no longer be made available in HTML format. Feel free to print the entire issue or refer to the Table of Contents and print only the page numbers of articles of interest. Let us know if you have any questions.

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Languaging! No. 12

Focus on Teaching
Short and Sweet: Using Short Movies in the Foreign Language Classroom

Using Poetry in an English Writing Class

Claudia Hamann

Stewart Fulton

Student Features
Tips to Enjoy Studying Abroad

Making it to 100%: Student-Teaching Experiences

Yumi Muraishi

Yuko Iwasaki 



In the Classroom
Quick-Write: Intensely Positive Experiences

Tim Murphey

Learning Community
A Student’s Best Resource

Jason White


Focus on Teaching
Increasing Investment with Discussion Roles

Christopher Carpenter


Book Reviews
English Next by David Graddol

Southland  by Nina Revoyr

Tetsuya Fukuda

Jinko Kurematsu


The Vent
Globish Rules? The Destruktion of Communicative Competency

Johannes Schreber

Also in this issue ...
JALT2008 Abstracts

Call for Book Contributions

The Chatroom

Website Recommendations

Discussion Roles Handout 
(Click to download PDF)

The Efficiency Column

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Languaging! No. 12

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Welcome to Languaging! No. 11!

Seasons greetings and welcome to our 12th issue!

Inside this issue Claudia Hamann shares a scene from her classes on how movies provide students with language learning opportunities.  The opportunity to present at JALT’s 2008 conference was too good to pass up for several Dokkyo teachers, and you can catch the abstracts from JALT 2008 on page 6. Or, just ask them in person how you can go about presenting next year. On page 7, Stewart Fulton and students share how poetry was conducive to a creative classroom atmosphere. Creativity broadens the mind, and so does travel. Just ask Yumi Muraishi. Her experience abroad awaits you on page 9. Languaging! regular contributor and translator, Yuko Iwasaki, shares her insiders’ perspective of the student-teacher experience in Japan. She threatens that it’s her last article for Languaging! because she is graduating, but just like Jason White, page 16, we understand the importance of friends as language learning resources and how groups of friends contribute to cooperative scaffolding. And we don’t delete people from our email address list! However, Christopher Carpenter, page 19, knows that when groups get together for discussion, remaining on task is sometimes a challenge. He shows us how you can structure your class discussions to be more fun and effective by assigning roles. Tetsuya Fukuda’s book review, page 23, is not to be missed as it addresses the very serious concern of World Dominance. Can English take over the world? Read on to find out which side you should take. Johannes Climacus P. Schreber of the infamous Pied Cow University, sets a challenge for us in this issue’s ‘The Vent’. Interested? Turn to page 25. All this and a little more is just a page turn away.

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A very special and well deserved thank you goes out to Christopher Carpenter. He has been the centre-pin of Languaging! for more than his fair share of time, and unfortunately next year he’ll be released from the role. Christopher, your patience for the organizing, skill for editing, sweat to operate the manual booklet machine, dedication to Languaging! and adding value to your community will be greatly missed. But as we said before, we NEVER delete anyone from our e-mail address list. We wish you the best on your next journey and look forward to our paths crossing again.        
Happy Trails!

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As always, we would like to thank our guest editors, Takeshi Kikuchi, and Tim Murphey for all of their help.

The editors of Languaging! No. 12

Christopher Carpenter
Paul Doré  
Tetsuya Fukuda
Yuko Iwasaki

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Share your learning and teaching explorations!

Languaging! is a place to experiment, not just write about experiments.
Think about your favorite ways of teaching and learning – fun ways to learn that could help others. Think about the data you might collect and share in our informal newsletter: keeping a journal, recording your changing feelings and ideas, having friends observe your classes, visiting friends’ classes, getting feedback from students on your classes, your materials, or the whole education system! Read a good book? Write about it. Have a good idea? Write about it. Had a good conversation? Write about it!

Get your ideas out in Languaging! Ask your students to submit their ideas, too!
Send submissions for Languaging! No. 13 by May 15th to the editors at

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Ye Olde Standard Disclaimer
The opinions and views expressed in Languaging! do not necessarily reflect those of the editors nor of Dokkyo University (and maybe not even of the authors - after all people change their minds all the time!). Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy!

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Languaging! No. 12

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