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The Exploratory Learning and Teaching Newsletter of Dokkyo University

Languaging! News

25 July 2004
The Languaging! Hompage makes its own appearance on Google.  The site already comes in 5th out of 6,990 that include the search term "languaging."   The news gives us the insentive to try for Number 1 with this humble request to other "language learning and teaching" sites out there:

Please link to our home page!  Though infrequent, we are a current publication ... and we're getting better!  What's more, we're not above trading links   ;-)

11 July 2004
Languaging! makes it's first bleep on Google with a student publication listing on the Recent MLC Faculty and Student Publications page of the University of Toronto's Modern Language Centre website.  University of Toronto student, Suzuki Manami is cited as follows:

Suzuki, M. (2003). Self-Efficacy: Your belief in your abilities influences your achievement. Languaging! The exploratory learning and teaching newsletter of Dokkyo University, 2, 5-6.

20 June 2004
With the publication of Issue No. 3, the Languaging! website is born.

June 2003
The first issue of Languaging! The Exploratory Learning and Teaching Newsletter of Dokkyo University appears on the tables in the teacher's room.  Founder and editor Tim Murphey has telltale paper cuts on his fingers from hand-folding and stapling the newsletter into the wee hours of the morning.

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